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approved proceedings for week of September 11, 2000

Week of September 11, 2000

Commissioners  Paul J. Kimmell, Loreca J. Stauber and Samuel G. Duncan met
in regular session on Monday, September 11, 2000.  Commissioners Kimmell and
Stauber met in regular session on Wednesday morning; all Commissioners met
Wednesday afternoon, September 13, 2000. The following actions were taken:

Approved, signed and filed the Commissioners’ Proceedings for the week of
September 5, 2000.

By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on the 2000 Dollar
Certification of Budget Request (L2) for Latah County.

Filed a Notice of Civil Lawsuit against Latah County and Sheriff Crouch,
seeking damages not less than $500,000 by Valance Barber.

Filed the Public Defender hours for the month of August, 2000, as submitted
by D. Ray Barker.

Filed the Public Defender hours for the month of August, 2000, as submitted
by Brian D. Thie.

Filed the Public Defender hours for the month of August, 2000, as submitted
by Gregory C. Dickison.

Filed a Vehicle Damage Report to ICRMP involving a Sheriff’s vehicle.

Approved, signed, filed a request by Mike Kinner to install an additional
phone in the Court Assistance Office.

Approved, signed, filed a request to surplus (for auction) equipments from
the Latah County Auditor’s Office, that have value but are no longer needed:
One 3-drawer black metal reel cabinet, One 500 Reader Printer, One Brother
Word Processor 680 Typewriter.

By Motion and Order authorized the Chair’s signature on an application for
assistance from the Idaho Bureau of Disaster Services for the Emergency
Management Mitigation and Preparedness Program in the amount of $53,268.36
for the period of October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2001.

Filed a Decision of the Appeals Examiner from the Appeals Bureau of the
Idaho Department of Labor following a telephone hearing on an Eligibility
Determination of an Unemployment Insurance Claim for Keith K. Lincoln;
benefits were denied.

By Motion and Order approved the chair’s signature on the Building
Inspection Services Agreement between Latah County and the City of Deary.
City agrees to pay County 80% of all building permit and plan review fees
collected from applicants; County will do the building inspections services,
effective October 1, 2000 to September 30, 2001.

Approved, signed, filed a request to approve staff salary adjustments for
the office of Prosecuting Attorney, for October 1, 2000 through September
30, 2001, subject to verification by the Budget Officer.

Nominated Irwin Caufield, Nez Perce County Commissioner, to the Capital
Crimes Defense Fund Board, Latah County’s nominee for the At-Large Position.

By Motion and Order, approved the Chair’s signature on the Memorandum of
Understanding between Latah County and the Bovill Fire District, pending
review by Civil Counsel; the agreement is to have Latah County act as the
agent for the Bovill Fire District, and will be making an application to the
Department of Commerce, Community Development Block Grant Program for
receipt of funding of Community Block Grant Funds in the amount of $150,000.

By Motion and Order, approved the Chair’s signature on a letter to the
Capital Crimes Defense Fund amending the previous request for reimbursement
for expenses incurred for the defense of Case No. CR-00-00260, State of
Idaho vs. Dale Carter Shackelford through July 10, 2000.  The description
Attorney Fees was changed to Attorney Fees/Other Costs and D. Ray Barker’s
attorney fees were broken down as far as currently possible, raising the
total requested for reimbursement from $28,338.46 to $29,402.72.

By Motion and Order, approved the Chair’s signature on a letter to the
Capital Crimes Defense Fund requesting reimbursement for expenses incurred
for the defense of Case No. CR-00-00260, State of Idaho vs. Dale Carter
Shackelford from July 11, 2000 through August 17, 2000, for the amount of

Approved, signed, filed a request to hire Janice Baker as a Part-time
Irregular Elections Worker, Elections, Department 01C, Line 03, effective
September 11, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed a request to hire Paul Bauer as a Part-time
Irregular Elections Worker, Elections, Department 01C, Line 02, effective
September 11, 2000.

By Motion and Order, convened the Courthouse Remodeling Committee consisting
of the following members: Bill Thompson, Jeff Crouch, Steve Fiscus, Susan
Petersen, Joe Geiger, and Loreca Stauber to consider the funding
opportunities for the proposed project.

By Motion and Order, adopted the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law,
supporting the approval of the Short Plat Application #603 by Byron Hansen,
creating a 3.48 acre parcel.

Approved, signed, filed a request  by Tim Waterman for Cancellation of
Assessment on Personal Property, #PPU001T, in the amount of $916.06.  There
is no personal property to assess.

By Motion and Order convened in Executive Session at 10:02 A.M. on September
13, 2000, to discuss Indigent matters pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345
(1)(d).  Adjourned at 11:09 A.M.  Twelve cases approved, one case denied.

By Motion and Order, amend the Latah County Personnel Policy Handbook
Section setting the meal per diem rate at $32.00 per day, in-state,
and $42.00 per day, out-of-state, effective October 1, 2000.

By Motion and Order, amend the Latah County Personnel Policy Handbook,
Section, Business Use of Personal Vehicle to state:  Employees
shall be reimbursed for actual business mileage pursuant to the
specifications of the handbook, and at the rate of .325 per mile (rounded to
the nearest .01) and which shall be specified in Appendix G effective
October 1, 2000.

By Motion and Order convened a Facilities Planning Committee for Latah
County Government Services as set forth in the memo dated September 13,
2000.  The Committee shall be comprised of the following: Paul J. Kimmell,
Les Proctor, Elaine Broyles, Mike Kinner, Darla Buckley, Jim Kremer, David
Barton, Mark Wintz, and Duncan Palmatier (invited).  The Committee shall
report to the BOCC within 60 days, more or less.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

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