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Re: Freedom of Privacy Legislation

I'd like to encourage my friend Tom Trail to show a little more
restraint in his postings to Vision 2020. It is excellent that he keeps
us up to date on Attorney General Al Lance's attempts to prevent
transfer of personal information. It just isn't necessary to include in
the posting a separate message from a constituent simply saying how
great Tom Trail is.

A lot of us, I suspect, would like to avoid Vision2020 being loaded up
with endorsement messages without much substance -- like the letters
which fill many columns in the Daily News and the Lewiston Morning
Tribune around election time.

I realize I am no longer doing something like "Media Watch" for

(What a shame I quit before the local newspapers plunged into their
ill-conceived plan to milk money from bereaved families by charging for

(and then made everything worse by charging by the inch and using extra
large type)

but my goodness, how have the papers not realized they can charge to
have letters to the editor printed, and unlike obituaries--

which mostly only run once, because people tend to die only that many

the same people will pay and pay and pay.

As you can tell, I miss doing "Media Watch." I am, instead, running as a
Democrat for seat 5A in the Idaho Legislature and setting up a budget
plan so that when I go to my eternal reward, my life can be summed up in
4 inches of local print. If all of you vote for me, I will be elected
and I will adjust and spring for 5 inches.

Don Coombs

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