Freedom of Privacy Legislation
Visionaries: An Idaho Legislative Interim Committee is meeting today
considering legislation
which would affect the transfer of personal information. Attorney General
Al Lance is leading the fight to limit the c ommercial practice of making
unadthorized transfers of personal informaton about an individual to third
parties for purposes of commercial solicitation. It is well documented that
many Idaho based entities sell your name and personal information without
your permission. One
bank made a profit of several million dollars.
In once case a business sold not only customers names and personal
information but also their
bank account numbers. Once your bank account # is out in the open it is
possible for an unauthorized
person to take all of your money out of your account.
Our Attorney General is proposing legislation that would restrict the
commercial practice of making
unauthorized transfers of personal information without your permission.
Basically a business
could not (under penalty) sell your information without your written
permission. Personally I'd
like the law to require that any name and personal information sold by a
business (with your
permission) would also have to pay you $100 for the privilege. This would
be like an endorsement
you give a commerical firm much like outstanding sports figures get paid
for their support--why
not for the common citizen.
There are powerful business interests who are opposed to this consumer
protection legislation.
The Attorney General's Office needs citizen support. You can write the
Attorney General of
your position--Al Lance, Idaho Attorney General, State Capitol, 700 W.
Jefferson St., P.O.
Box 83720, Boise, ID. 83720 or send an e mail to:
I believe we should show our support for this legislation. Please urge
citizens in other parts of
the state to communicate their support of their legislation through their
elected representatives.
Rep. Tom Trail/Dist. 5
P.S. Attached is a letter from a concerned citizen regarding this subject.
>To: "Margaret A. Peyou" <>
>From: Tom Trail <>
>>You have made vote i cast for you even more valuable! Thank you for
>>looking out for your consituents' well-being!
>>At 09:07 PM 9/11/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>>>Please protect the residents of Idaho, yourself included, from having their
>>>>(mine and yours) privacy marauded and eviscerated by banking, big (and
>>>>small) business such as telemarketers.
>>>>I do not want my bank balance, health history, or any other private
>>>>information sold on the open market or handed out to the highestbidder.
>>>>Consumer Information Council has other self-serving, ignominious ideas
>>>>my privacy.
>>>>Do you and your fellow legislators along with the CIC members think you are
>>>>immune from that same burglary of your private matters? Think again.
>>>>If the State of Idaho and you, an elected official, choose to cave into
>>>>coercion, then beware of the backlash from your constituency.
>>>>I urge you to pass Attorney General Al Lance's law that requires companies
>>>>to get consumers' permission before confidential information is circulated
>>>>about them (the consumers). Idaho companies have their executives,
>>>>managers, and employees all who I know do not want their privacy
>>>>invaded and
>>>>the information sold to the highest bidder or bidders. Get real and think
>>>>about these people and all residents of Idaho.
>>>>I am a resident and registered voter in the State of Idaho.
>>>>Margaret A. Peyou
>>>>Program Coordinator
>>>>Athletic Media Relations
>>>>Bohler Addition Suite 195
>>>>Pullman WA 99164-1602
>>>>(509) 335-2684
>>>Margaret-- Amen!!!!!
>>>I have been working with Al Lance on this bill for two years.
>>>Rep. Tom Trail/Dist. 5
>>>Dr. Tom Trail
>>>International Trails
>>>1375 Mt. View Rd.
>>>Moscow, Id. 83843
>>>Tel: (208) 882-6077
>>>Fax: (208) 882-0896
>>>e mail
>>Margaret A. Peyou
>>Program Coordinator
>>Athletic Media Relations
>>Bohler Addition Suite 195
>>Pullman WA 99164-1602
>>(509) 335-2684
Dr. Tom Trail
International Trails
1375 Mt. View Rd.
Moscow, Id. 83843
Tel: (208) 882-6077
Fax: (208) 882-0896
e mail
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