Taking the Next Steps on gun control
- To: "Vision2020 Listserver" <>
- Subject: Taking the Next Steps on gun control
- From: "Steve Cooke" <>
- Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 08:53:04 -0700
- Importance: Normal
Dear Visionaries,
Below is an update on community-level and other activities that follow-up on
the Million Mom march for gun control.
Steve Cooke
>Hello Mothers and Others,
>It's the 14th of July, and I wish a huge and happy two-month anniversary
>of our historic March to all of you. A lot has happened since our last
>newsletter as the Million Moms march on....
>Prepare to be shocked. Our number of chapters is growing like a
>grassroots wildfire. More than one-hundred additional chapters have
>begun organizing since our last newsletter. We now have more than 230
>chapters in formation across the country. Wow.
>For information about joining a chapter (or starting your own) click
>More good news on the chapter front. Our Regional Offices are starting
>to see the National Policy Surveys pour in! Keep them coming as they
>are needed for the endorsement process and our strategic planning. So
>put on your t-shirts and go survey your congressional candidates in
>person. It's a lot like helping the kids with their homework, except
>the MMM questions are probably a lot easier!
>Such a deal we have! If you'd like to make a contribution to our cause,
>right now is a great time. During the month of July, Working Assets
>will match your gift dollar for dollar through their new
>WorkingForChange website. To double your gift for gun control by July
>31st, click here:
>Speaking of money, we have a movement to fund! As you know, the
>opposition is pouring major dollars into defeating our efforts and we
>need to raise lots of money to keep marching forward. We are conducting
>national mail and telephone campaigns to reach out to as many people as
>possible and ask them to support our cause. Also, we want to thank our
>major donors to the March event, including the Richard & Rhoda Goldman
>Fund, Irene Diamond at the Funders Collaborative, the Barbara Lee Family
>Foundation, the Overbrook Foundation, The David and Lucile Packard
>Foundation, CIBC World Markets, Dannon Yogurt and others.
>Million Mom leaders and organizers met in New York, Chicago, San
>Francisco, Atlanta and just outside Washington, DC last month to learn
>advocacy training and the art of grassroots chapter organizing. One mom
>described her session as a "combination college course in lobbying and
>management, reunion and therapy session." Congratulations to all you
>A Million Mom March: What Next? workshop was set up by Mayor Marc Morial
>of New Orleans for the moms who attended the march in Washington. Donna
>Dees-Thomases and Jaquie Algee, MMM southeast Regional Director,
>attended the workshop with a dozen or so local moms who shared their
>stories and photos from the Mother's Day event. Since Louisiana has one
>of the highest rates of death by gunfire (and the second poorest state
>laws, next to Maine), these women are very eager to set up Million Mom
>March chapters across the state. You Go Girls!
>The Million Mom March Board of Directors met last week and proudly and
>happily nominated Donna Dees-Thomases to be Chair of the Board.
>And while we're bragging, this Republican was honored to represent all
>of you in testifying before the 2000 Democratic National Convention
>Platform Hearing last week. You can read my testimony on our website.
>We outta be in pictures! The official Million Mom March video, a
>powerful and moving overview of the Washington March and several other
>rallies around the country, is almost complete. The best place to get
>your copies is our website. Go to the
>week of July 24th for more information and to order your videos.
>Many of you have asked for more information about gun policy and ways to
>explain to your friends and co-workers why we really need licensing and
>registration. We have some info that will help you. Just click here:
>There have been several major court and legislative victories since our
>last newsletter. Here are some highlights:
>There was a huge defeat for the gun lobby in California. The State
>Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of its assault weapons ban,
>one of the strongest gun control measures in America.
>Colorado's Supreme Court also dismissed challenges by the gun lobby and
>cleared the way for those who want sensible gun laws. The ruling allows
>proponents to collect enough signatures to put a measure on the ballot
>in November that would close the gun show loophole. Our Colorado moms
>have been working hard to gather petition signatures.
>Million Mom Marchers in New York stood vigil with New Yorkers Against
>Gun Violence and helped encourage passage of an historic bill that will
>greatly help the effort to end gun violence. Among other things, the
>bill raises the legal age for purchasing handguns and requires
>background checks on buyers at all gun shows in the state.
>And a special congrats to the Oregon moms, led by Lisa Laursen-Thirkill,
>for their great work in helping get enough signatures to put a "close
>the gun show loophole" initiative on the November ballot.
>For details of current gun legislation, you can visit:
>Mom is watching! To find out how your lawmakers have voted on gun
>issues check out our Legislative Action Center. You can search by zip
>code for your federal and local reps, join an action e-list, search by
>zip code for local media contacts, follow Election 2000 and keep on
>marching. The Legislative Action Center is just a click away from the
>MMM home page.
>They say you've finally arrived when you're a clue in a crossword
>puzzle. The puzzle in the June 16th Wall Street Journal had this clue:
>58 Down "Million Mom March target". The answer is three letters.
>And perhaps even more importantly, we were also a question on (lights
>and music, please) Who Wants To Be A Millionaire! "The Million Mom
>March marched for ________." Is that your final answer?
>Congratulations to the Kentucky moms who marched in the 4th of July
>parade in Lexington. The moms report they were cheered along the entire
>parade route and even had Kentucky's Lieutenant Governor who was
>marching just in front of our moms pledging support for our cause.
>Also in Kentucky, moms are buying teddy bears and dressing them in
>tshirts that say "no child's life should end with a bang." The bears
>also carry an ear-tag saying teddy bears have to undergo more stringent
>consumer testing in this country than guns. The Kentucky moms will sell
>the bears as a fundraising activity and also give them to legislators.
>And some Maryland moms and daughters who marched in the Longfellow
>Parade say their reception was hugely gratifying. "Lots and lots of
>recognition and applause, lots of thumbs-up. But the best was a young
>Boy Scout who saw our sign and said, `Isn't that the moms who marched
>for smarter gun laws?' He was about 8-9 years old and he GOT IT." Great
>Thanks to everyone from Michigan for updating our information on their
>local marches. If anyone else has updated march information, please let
>us know. In the meantime, you might want to visit Michigan's MMM
>And if you have a MMM website you'd like to share, let us know.
>There's a new website designed to allow anyone to trace the history of a
>particular gun. The site allows ordinary citizens as well as law
>enforcement officers to report stolen weapons. The site is free for
>searches, but there is a $5.00 fee to post serial numbers of stolen
>A collection of recent editorial cartoons on the NRA is available at:
>And, a collection of editorial cartoons on school shootings can be found
>Two Harvard students have founded a web journal that will publish
>stories from survivors of gun violence as well as stories from people
>who want to speak out against gun trauma. Stories can assume any art
>form from poetry to photographs. A special "Memorial" will list names
>of those who have been lost to or wounded by gun violence. If you'd like
>to participate, please send submissions by August 1, 2000 via mail to
>Artnotguns, PO Box 380689, Cambridge, MA 02238 or email them at
>July 18 -- ABC's Good Morning America will feature a Million Mom
>marcher to talk about how she turned a mother's grief and anger into
>changing New York state law. Be sure to tune in!.
>July 29 -- Silent March at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. Thirty
>thousand pairs of shoes will be displayed to represent the 30,000
>Americans who die every year from gun violence. Mary Leigh Blek, your
>Million Mom March President, will speak at 8am. For more information on
>the Silent March activites at the GOP Convention please visit:
>July 30 -- "SLAM the NRA" concert in Philadelphia co-sponsored by HCI
>and SLAM Records.
>July 31-August 3 -- The Republican Convention in Philadelphia. We'll be
>August 13-16 -- The Youth Advisory Board of the Million Mom March holds
>its first retreat near San Jose. The members are 18-24 years old, and
>the majority are gunshot victims and survivors. This group of young
>people from diverse communities throughout California will help us
>develop training and materials. Stay tuned for more news on our youth
>programs later this fall.
>August 14-17 -- The Democratic Convention in Los Angeles. We'll be
>August 17 -- Just one year ago today Donna Dees-Thomases submitted our
>first permit application to march on Washington for Mother's Day, 2000.
>As usual, we only needed nine months to deliver the goods. Pat
>yourselves on the back, everyone.
>August 24 -- The 80th Anniversary of the Ratification of the 19th
>Amendment which gave women the right to vote. Not having email, or a
>website, it took suffragettes 76 years to get the amendment ratified. In
>honor of the Internet, why not jump online today and register to vote.
>BeAVoter allows people in 46 states to complete an online form to vote
>in their particular state. Within ten days, a paper copy of the
>completed registration form arrives in the mail. Sign the form and mail
>it back in a pre-addressed envelope. Remember there are deadlines, so
>register today. And get a friend to register, too.
>Speaking of voting, our Westchester County, NY moms have hooked up with
>their League of Women Voters to register people offline. All it takes
>is a card table and some registration forms. The League has the
>registration packets so give them a call, pick up your card table and
>march to your local grocery store or library or mall to help folks sign
>up to vote.
>Labor Day -- MARCH AGAIN WITH THE MILLION MOMS!!! On Monday, September
>4, the Million Moms will march across the Mackinac Bridge as a
>demonstration of their support for common sense gun legislation. The
>March is part of the annual Governor's Labor Day walk across the
>Mackinac Bridge which connects the upper and lower peninsulas of
>Million Mom March organizations from Ohio, Indiana and Illinois are
>invited to join the Michigan Moms in this Midwest demonstration of
>support for common sense gun legislation. It is imperative that we
>illustrate to the citizens of our states and country that we mean
>business, and that we have no intention of forgetting the victims of gun
>violence. It is equally important to reaffirm our commitment in a very
>public fashion just two months before a presidential election that may
>very well be decided by the voters of the Midwest.
>For more information please contact the East Metro Detroit Million Mom
>March at 313.821.5357 or
>September 15-17 -- From A March To A Movement. The first annual Million
>Mom March conference will be held in Denver.
>October 2 -- First Monday 2000: United to End Gun Violence is a national
>campaign promoting education and action geared toward reducing gun
>violence. Hundreds of events will occur on campuses and in communities
>on or near the first Monday of October.
>November 7 - Election Day. The New York City Chapter of the MMM has
>officially adopted for their chapter the slogans, "Million Mom March. .
>. to the polls!" & "Mama says, Vote!"
>And some final thoughts...
>Claudette Perry, who is forming our District of Columbia chapter,
>attended the First Monday 2000 Launch earlier this week. The launch
>previewed a new film, "Up in Arms," produced by award-winning filmmakers
>Rory Kennedy and Liz Garbus which highlights the Mother's Day March.
>Claudette reports that every single elected official at the First Monday
>launch mentioned the Million Mom March. A few, however, expressed some
>concern that the MMM'ers have been "too quiet" since the march. Here at
>the Million Mom March we prefer to categorize this post-march,
>pre-election time as our stealth-like stage. This chapter development
>time is really the calm before the storm.
>Chapter Development (some of you, I suspect, already hate that phrase)
>is needed to keep building a unified movement so that when serious
>legislation is on the table, we will be able work as a formidable force
>to get it passed. Without chapter development, our efforts will be
>scattered and ineffective as a result. It is also the best way to
>spread the workload so that we do not burn out too quickly. Since our
>ultimate goal is a national licensing and registration program, we have
>a long way to go and we need to pace ourselves. Remember, this is the
>system that worked so successfully for Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
>And it will work for us.
>I know many of you feel overwhelmed. This is a period of "positive
>crisis" for us. Many emails, faxes and phone calls are not being
>answered promptly because of the incredible growth of our organization.
>We're working on staffing and our ability to communicate with you more
>quickly. We're making huge strides every day to get this baby up and
>walking. Keep the faith that we're united in a great cause to save
>lives, and we will succeed.
>Mary Leigh
>Million Mom March
>San Francisco General Hospital
>San Francisco, CA 94110
>toll-free phone: (888) 989-MOMS
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