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Lewiston Roadless Hearing

Idaho's Wild Forests Need Your Help!

Please attend a regional public hearing on the future of Idaho's wild

On Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at Lewiston High School, the Clearwater and Nez
Perce National Forests will address the current proposal to halt
roadbuilding in Idaho's wild forests from 1-10 pm.

Roads and Logging don't belong in Idaho's Wild Forests.  Please come
testify.  All speakers are given a maximum of 3 minutes to testify.

Carpools will be meeting at Rosaurs parking lot at 12 noon and 5:30 pm.

Please call 882-9755 or 882-1010 for details.

Please also send in comments.

Comments must be RECEIVED by Monday, July 17 on the Forest Service's
Roadless Conservation Plan.  This plan affects wild forests across the
country, but especially in Idaho and Montana.  Please support alternative 4.
 Contact Friends of the Clearwater at 882-9755 or talk to your local forest
protection friend for more information.

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