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1912 Building

In its story of June 21, 2000, regarding a majority of the members of the 
Moscow City Council's continued efforts to remodel the 1912 building, the 
Moscow Daily News states "which has a total price tag of approximately $5.5 

Say it ain't so Joe!

The original 1996 study put the estimated cost of remodeling this albatross 
at $3.1 million. An August 1999 city council meeting announced a revised 
estimate of $4.2 million. And now. . . . . 

I for one just can't wait for the next figure.

Is there no end to the cost or the determination of a majority of the council 
to pursue this without any sense of financial responsibility or reality?  
And, yes, I know over $2 million in funding is a gift, but recklessly 
spending someone else's money is still reckless spending.

Remodeling this building was a bad idea at $3.1 million and is a 
proportionally worse idea at $5.5 million.  It's time for at least one other 
member of the city council to come to their senses.

Walter Steed

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