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suggestions for spending $5 million

Tuesday's Daily News had an article (page 2A) about the Mayor's Task
Force to Review and Assess Parks and Recreation.  This is the group to
establish priorities to spend the estimated $5 million from the estate
of Bob Hamilton, designated for city parks and recreation.

Unfortunately, the deadline for comments is TODAY (May 31).  They should
be sent to Mayor Mrshall Comstock, dropped off at City Hall, or e-mailed
to task force members.  (The paper ran a long list of e-mail
addresses....  I'll just list two:
Marshall Comstock:
Randy Rice:

Did I miss an earlier notice that task force was soliciting ideas?  I
haven't seen anything in the paper or on Vision 2020, but it's possible
something ran when I was out of town in March.

If any of the task force members are on this list, how about letting us
know whether there will be other opportunities for public suggestions
(and an opportunity to respond to ideas already submitted)?  Will there
be any public meetings this summer?


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