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Re: Completely unrelated to anything important.

You know, on second thought, I'm really offended by your letter. Here
are the facts on this camera:

1) This was originally on my desk, but I don't really have any fetish
for seeing my own picture so I moved it outside. Then I thought,
perhaps, people other than my immediate family would enjoy seeing a
shot of downtown moscow, so I made the web address public.

2) This is a $5 surplus camera with, I think, 320 lines of resolution.
Translation, it's equivilant to a TV in resolution. You aren't going
to be picking up more than shapes and colors. I didn't use any of my
nice cameras, frankly, because I don't want them to be outside or
exposed to a bunch of UV which would burn them out.

3) This technology you have to "increasingly address" is all around
you. I hate to shock you, but I would bet every stop and rob in the
state has cameras. All ATMs do. All grocery stores do. Are you
offended? Do you watch out when you go to Albertson's? You know, in
case you haven't been to an airport lately, both SJC and SEA video
tape your LICENSE PLATE when you drive into the parking lots. They
have TWO cameras and HUGE lights to do so at every egress. Does this
offend you? Are you worried?

4) I deliberately aimed the camera out and level so that people close
to the camera physically are not in range of the camera. There is a
ledge blocking the view. Plus, a view of the street is a lot nice than
a view of the sidewalk.

I daresay I get more information about my neighbors upstairs and down
through the walls than by watching this camera. Trust me, the "sinful
activities" of bar patrons (puking all over the back door of the
building being the most, uh, annoying) are obvious to all around. You
don't need a camera or any special equipment to see it.

If I wanted to gather information on the movement of Muscovites
(Moscowians? whatever) I'd put a high-res infrared robotic camera with
an all-weather dome on my ledge.  If you'd like to see a demo of this
technology, visit . Control
the tilt and pan over the internet in a streaming jpg, no less.

Last but not least, I really have no interest in tracking the
whereabouts of my fellow citizens of Greater Moscow. I would imagine
that my movements about town are as interesting to you (that is to
say, not at all) as your movements are to me. I just thought it was
kind of neat and I wanted to show off some (admittedly lame)


> Is this Big Brother or Little Brother? Do the people coming and going to
> Mingles ( a place I frequented in my youth) know that they are being
> caught on some sort of recording device. Do the people who park their
> cars out front know they are subject to scrutiny. I'm sorry, this is
> facinating technology, but I am offended at the intrusion. Maybe I'm
> reading this web cam wrong, but the next time I come to Moscow should I
> really have to worry about who's looking in on my innocent (or God
> forbid) guilty or sinful activities. Sans an appropriate tissue, should
> I run home to pick my nose.
> Has Moscow become a haven for vicarious peeping-Toms and Terris or is it
> still the hangloose melting pot I remember. I hope the latter, but
> thanks anyway to Ry for opening a curious can of worms that neighbors in
> this digitized world may have to increasingly address.

Ry Jones
Airgap Networks / Moscow, ID
208 882 2367 (office) 419 730 2199 (fax)

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