proceedings for week of April 24, 2000
- To:
- Subject: proceedings for week of April 24, 2000
- From:
- Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 15:15:02 -0700
- Importance: Normal
- Reply-to:
- Resent-Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 15:16:03 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <>
- Resent-Sender:
Week of April 24, 2000
Commissioners Loreca J. Stauber, Samuel G. Duncan, and Paul J. Kimmell met
in regular session. The following actions were taken:
Approved, signed, filed Commissioners’ Proceedings for week of April 17,
Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on the Participating
Agreement between Idaho Department of Lands, Potlatch Corporation, Latah
County Weed Control, Clearwater-Potlatch Timber Protective Association,
Clearwater Resource Conservation and Development Council, and the USDA,
Forest Service, Clearwater National Forest. The purpose is to cost-share
the treatment and management of noxious weeds. Agreement expires on
December 31, 2005.
Motion and Order to approve an Amendment to one Latah County Bulky Waste
Collection Agreement, Appendix E, Schedule of Reimbursement, providing for
four Saturdays a month, cost to be shared by the city of Potlatch and Latah
County, for an additional $7,289.28 at $607.44 per month: $363.24 paid by
Latah County and $244.15 paid by the city of Potlatch. Amendment effective
April 1, 2000.
Signed and filed resignation of Carly M. Lister as Part-time Irregular
Tracker, Youth Services Juvenile Corrections Block Grant. Department 08B,
Line 02. Effective April 18, 2000.
Approved, signed, filed request to hire Mandy R. Faulkner as Part-time
Irregular Tracker, Youth Services Juvenile Correction Block Grant.
Department 08B, Line 02. Effective April 18, 2000.
Approved, signed, filed 6-month increment increase for Jean Ann Duke,
Part-time Regular Receptionist/Clerical Assistant, Prosecuting Attorney’s
Office. Department 07, Line 12. Effective April 1, 2000.
Approved, signed, filed 6-month increment increase for Eileen Waite,
Part-time Irregular Special Hire, BOCC Administration. Department 05A, Line
10. Effective May 1, 2000.
Approved, signed, filed 1 year increment increase for Andrew Grant, Parks
Manager, Parks and Recreation. Department 05G, Line 01. Effective May 1,
Signed and filed Fee Report from Clerk/Auditor/Recorder for March 1, 2000
through March 31, 2000.
Signed and filed Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Second
Quarter Report from Latah County Disaster Services.
Signed and filed ICRMP claim regarding repair of Courthouse window.
Motion and Order to Convene in Executive Session at 10:11 A.M. on April 24,
2000 to discuss Records that are exempt from public inspection, pursuant to
Idaho Code, Section 67-2345 (1)(d). Adjourned at 10:33 A.M.
Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on the Local Government
Certification, for the Emergency Shelter Grant by Sojourners Alliance to
Idaho Housing and Finance Association, for $25,000. Sojourners Alliance
will forward a completed budget and proposal to the County.
Motion and Order to approve request for renewal of a second dwelling by
Dorothy Smith for another year, through June 14, 2001.
Motion and Order to approve request for renewal of a second dwelling by
Steve Spencer for another year, through June 14, 2001.
Commissioners Stauber, Duncan, and Kimmell toured the Latah County Jail for
the quarterly inspection. A report was completed.
Motion and Order to re-adopt the Solid Waste Advisory Committee Guidelines
due to the following changes made:
1. Allow the SWAC member’s two assistants to cover for them, if they are not
available, each with an equal voice and voting ability.
2. Terms were changed from 3-year to annual terms, the first week of
3. The meetings were changed from a minimum of 12 meetings, to a maximum of
12 and a minimum of 4 meetings per calendar year.
This motion rescinds the motion of January 19, 2000.
Motion and Order to Convene in Executive Session at 11:08 A.M. on April 26,
2000 to discuss Indigent matters pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 67-2345
(1)(d). Adjourned at 11:31 A.M. 2 cases approved, 2 cases denied, 1 case
The County Commissioners attended North Latah Highway District Meeting on
Wednesday, April 28, 2000, 1132 White Avenue, regarding a public hearing to
receive input on request from Peter Fountain to abandon property located on
Highway 8, near Wallen Road.
Filed letter from Elaine Broyles, Youth Services, requesting purchase of
shirts for the staff of Youth Services with Juvenile Correction Block Grant
funds or Tobacco Tax money. Request was denied.
All documents are available for inspection in the office of the
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