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BOCC Proceedings for week of April 17, 2000

Week of April 17, 2000

Commissioners Loreca J. Stauber, Samuel G. Duncan, and Paul J. Kimmell met
in regular session.  The following actions were taken:

Motion and Order to Convene in Executive Session at 8:19 A.M. on April 17,
2000 to discuss Personnel Matters pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 67-2345
(1)(a)&(b).  Adjourned at 8:35 A.M.

Approved, signed, filed Commissioners’ Proceedings for week of April 10,

Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature for a local government
certification on the Idaho Housing and Finance Association Emergency Shelter
Grant for year 2000-2001 from Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse
(ATVP). ATVP will administer the grant.

Motion and Order to authorize the Chair’s signature on a Land and Water
Conservation Fund grant proposal for Phillips Farm.  Grant not to exceed
$10,000 and will be administered by Andrew Grant.

Approved, signed, filed request for a 3-year increment increase for Rita M.
Smith, Deputy Recorder, Auditor/Recorder, Department 01B, Line 06.
Effective April 1, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed request for a 15-year increment increase for Maggie
Baab, Deputy Court Clerk III, Clerk of the Court, Department 01A, Line 04.
Effective April 1, 2000.

Signed and filed resignation of Brent King , Deputy Prosecutor, Prosecuting
Attorney’s Office.  Department 07, line 04.  Effective May 31, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed request from Disaster Services to surplus equipment:
VCR, old Motorola Radio Equipment, frequency 39.82.

Motion and Order authorizing a new line in the Current Expense budget be
created which will be called Wellness Committee Project Expenses in the
amount of $3,750.  County Auditor will transfer $3,750 from Current Expense
01-18-0410-0000, Retirement to Current Expense 01-18-0523-0010. Wellness
Committee Project Expense.

Approved, signed, filed Tuition Aid request by Rachelle Emerson for North
Idaho College.

Approved, signed, filed request to approve polling places for the Primary
Election, May 23, 2000.

Having held a public hearing as provided by law, approved a Motion and Order
to adjust the 1999-2000 budget as follows:
1.	to increase the Sheriff - Justice Budget, line 08-45-0569-0000 Education
from $20,720, in the amount of $55 for a total of $20,775 - revenue rebate
deposited into Justice Fund;
2.	to increase the Sheriff - Justice Budget, line 08-45-0491-0000
Repairs/Maintenance-Equipment from $5,500 in the amount of $30 for a total
of $5,530 - revenue reimbursement deposited into Justice Fund;
3.	to increase the Justice - Prosecuting Attorney Budget, line
08-07-0629-0000 Trial Expense from $9,000 in the amount of $8,000 for a
total of $17,000 - revenue Justice Fund Balance;
4.	to increase the District Court Budget, line 06-00-0552-0000 Transcripts
from $11,000 in the amount of $12,000 for a total of $23,000 - revenue
District Court Fund Balance;
5.	to increase the Justice - General Budget, line 08-18-0485-0000
Professional Services Court Appointed Counsel from $22,000 in the amount of
$39,000 for a total of $61,000 - revenue Justice Fund Balance;
6.	to increase the Current Expense - Clerk Auditor Recorder Budget, line
01-01-0439-0000 Travel from $2,100 in the amount of $207 for a total of
$2,307-revenue reimbursement deposited into Current Expense Fund; and
7.	to increase the Latah Trail Project Budget, line 45-00-0521-0000
Operating Expense $50,000 in the amount of $50,000 for a total of $100,000 -
revenue Current Expense Fund Balance.
These funds are unscheduled revenues or carry forward funds and the
expenditure of these funds will be at no additional cost to the taxpayers of
Latah County.  The Board directs the County Auditor to make the necessary

Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s and the Clerk’s signature on the
County Extension Agreement between Latah County and University of Idaho,
College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension System for Budget year

Motion and Order to authorize the Chair’s signature on the request for
reimbursement of funds, in the amount of $18,485.69, for the ICDBG Grant,
from the Idaho Department of Commerce, Troy and Genesee relocation

Motion and Order to adopt the Solid Waste fee reduction schedule for the
2000 Circuit Breaker Program.

Motion and Order to Convene in Executive Session at 10:40 A.M. on April 19,
2000 to discuss Indigent Matters pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 67-2345
(1)(d).  Adjourned at 11:04 A.M.  3 cases approved, 4 cases denied.

Motion and Order to Convene in Executive Session at 11:07 A.M. on April 19,
2000 to discuss Personnel Matters pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 67-2345
(1)(a)&(b).  Adjourned at 11:12 A.M.

Motion and Order to Convene in Executive Session at 11:51 A.M. on April 19,
2000 to discuss Personnel Matters pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 67-2345
(1)(a)&(b).  Adjourned at 11:54 A.M.

Filed Summons and Complaint for Negligence, Negligent Entrustment and
Negligent Supervision And Demand For Trial By Jury by Carmen Malm against
Latah County and Wesley Workman & Doreen Workman, both individually and as
guardians of their minor child. Case No. CV000022C.  Request is for no less
than $262,200.

Motion and Order to authorize the Chair’s signature on information letter to
Northwest Area Foundation, soliciting participation as one of ten community
partners of the Foundation.

Motion and Order to approve the request by Gritman Medical Center, asking
for county participation in a cooperative effort between the University of
Idaho, Gritman, and Latah County and the other agencies as they commit to
the young children and families project.

Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on the Virgil Phillips
Farm Property Lease between the City of Moscow and Latah County.
Commissioners Stauber and Duncan voting for, Commissioner Kimmell against.
Term of lease shall be 10 years, effective from date of execution.

Filed Request by Latah County Prosecutor to the District Court of the Second
Judicial District for reconsideration of motion to appoint a public defender
in Case No. CR-00-00572.

Approved, signed, filed request to change status of Robin Eckmann, Deputy
Prosecutor III, from ¾ time to full time.  Prosecuting Attorney, Department
07, Line 02.  Approved additional $6,114 and $150 flat fringe benefit to be
taken from Justice Reserve fund; Auditor to prepare resolution.  Effective
April 1, 2000.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:						, Chair

ATTEST:							, Deputy/Clerk

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