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Re: Alturas and the Future of Urban Renewal Business Forum

I am sorry, but I cannot attend the "public forum" being held at noon on a
weekday as I have a job that does not allow me to simply decide not to show
up.  However, I do agree there is a lot of misinformation regarding the
park, but I do not know is the source of this misinformation is the recent
questions or the initial presentation of the purpose of the park.  However,
if someone who has the luxury of attending these forums in the middle of the
work day can ask the following questions for me I would appreciate it.

Does a business, or a lawyer, pay less property taxes by moving into the
park from the city?

Given that property taxes paid by businesses in the zone are diverted to pay
off the park, how much more does the city resident living outside the zone
pay to cover the diverted taxes?

We recently passed a pool bond.  Businesses outside of the zone pay property
taxes to pay off the bond.  Are the businesses in the zone also paying taxes
to pay off  e bond?  Or is their tax rate frozen at the level needed to pay
off the park?

Why, exactly, has the city been unable to interest new businesses in the

In response to a recent post regarding the 5.6 million dollars in growth in
the zone, perhaps I am wrong but it seemed to me that most of the growth
took place before the park was approved.


John and Laurie Danahy

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