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Re: to Light or not light!

We all pay a fee to the city on our water bills that supposedly pays for
street lighting.  I know the light on our block has the annoying habit of
going off, and then turning back on infrequently.  The fee was imposed by
council mandate many years ago during tight times, and as far as I know, we,
as individuals, have no say in how streets are lighted or not lighted.
As someone who lives somewhat near to the Junior High, I can attest to the
very bright lighting on both the baseball and football fields during night
games.  While not normally bothersome, it does get annoying past 10:30pm on
weekday nights when I am trying to get to sleep.  Conversely, I can also see
the lights on all night at the new swimming pool.  These are not nearly so
bright, though as I live above the level of the lights,they can simply seem
so to me.  Someone living closer might disagree.
The true purpose behind such public lighting is to deter crime.  It always
has been so.  To reduce the level of light invites an increase in the level
of vandalism, etc.  Is this what we need?


John and Laurie Danahy
----- Original Message -----
From: SMW Scripter [aka MoscowSam] <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: to Light or not light!

> When Indian Hills Drive was extended east of Pine Cone Road,
> a non-traditional (at least for Moscow) style of luminaire
> was employed as an "experiment".  I do not know if the
> "experiment" is over, nor if so, what the "results" are.
> The luminare directs the light to the surface and prevents
> upward illumination.  Drive up and take a look and see what
> you think.
> Separately, I seem to recall that ID DOT (sp?) sets "standards"
> for the level of illumination in street intersections.  I
> suppose this is in the interests of public convenience and
> safety.
> Based on experiences I have had regarding UI campus planning
> and safety, I would expect some individuals, particularly
> women, to be concerned about risk for assault while walking
> on dark sidewalks and pathways along streets and through
> parks.
> The electric company is responsible for maintaining the
> streetside light fixtures.  I presume they derive income
> from the electricity sold to the City.  I wonder what they
> would think about reducing the lighting level, IF standards
> for roadways were lowered to permit less intense illumination?
> What about it, City staff members, Council Persons and the
> Mayor?  Do you read this list?
> How about informing us of the parameters controlling lighting
> in Moscow's business districts, residential neighborhoods and
> parks?
> Sam Scripter

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