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to Light or not light!

Dear friends,

It is correct that we could all carry flashlights and many times this is a
good idea but the point of the discussion, as I see it, is broader than
that. I would like to steer this discussion to address a problem many have
stated... annoying lighting in the city. It seems to me very reasonable to
have more subdued lighting where necessary and eliminate annoying bright
spotlights that often light half the block.

Having been involved with law enforcement in a past life, I can attest to
the necessity of security lighting around ones home. Some friends, however,
have taken this to mean installing landing lights in the driveway! We have
to learn moderation in our actions. It is understandable that we would want
to have some lighting in the parks, streets, and our driveways but as a rule
the light has a radius of usefulness, beyond which it becomes a nuisance.
>From the friend who has full daylight at night due to the neighbor's
lighting scheme to the stargazers who cannot see the stars we must have some
regulation within the city to dictate appropriate lighting; one that allows
the friends to create a secure neighborhood without driving all the
neighbors away!

Your brother in arms,


Shahab Mesbah
Technical Director
Meteor Light Labs
Voice (208) 883-9765
Fax (208) 883-2678

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