Beware of Darkness
- To: Vision 2020 <>
- Subject: Beware of Darkness
- From: G M <>
- Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 16:30:52 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 16:34:22 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <>
- Resent-Sender:
To clarify, I am certainly not a proponent of
over-lighting: East City Park, local neighborhoods,
the UI Campus, Moscow or the planet.
Those who know me are aware of my own personal disdain
for unnecessary lights. I too love to look up into a
starlit sky.
And I didn't say I felt unsafe or threatened while
walking through the park (although I can see how
someone might). I simply noticed that it was
difficult to stay on the path on what was a very dark
My suggestion is to add "tasteful" (meaning subdued)
lighting along the East City path. Ground-level
lighting might do the trick.
I frequently observe other locations, especially near
or on the UI campus, where lighting could be improved
for safety's sake.
I actually believe we would be much better off with
less artificial light. When it comes to lighting, we
need a more intelligent, illuminating approach.
But surely no one is suggesting that, because
currently so many areas are needlessly overlit, there
should be a community-wide moratorium on adding
additional, well-designed lighting where it is in fact
However, if there is consensus that we all return to a
simpler way of lighting our lives, I'm ready. I have
plenty of candles, a couple oil lamps and years of
experience living in the woods without much of
anything to light my paths except the stars in the
Greg Meyer
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