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Re: East City Path Lights

May I respectfully dissent?  One of the pleasures of living in a small
town is the ability to occasionaly observe the sky and stars at night,
even from within the city limits. (Rant on)  One of the most disturbing
trends is people moving into the countryside, and putting up lightpoles
with sodium lights that burn all night. Or houses covered with Christmas
lights that burn all night well into the spring.  We want to
decommission hydroelectric dams while continuing to overlight our
environment at all times, even when there is no one in the vicinity to
shine the lights on.  (rant off).

G M wrote:

> A I was walking through East City Park last night I
> thought of another "Parks" item that could use some
> immediate, overdue attention/funding.  How about some
> tasteful but effective lighting along that very dark
> path?
> Greg Meyer
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Ron Force
Moscow, Idaho

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