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Re: Joseph Street

If the school were to improve the property at the corner of Joseph and 
MountainView Rd. for a playing field, sidewalks would have to be put in, 
and I have been assured by the school board that this would be the case.

I agree with you about walking on Joseph, especially difficult with a dog (or 
child). There's more traffic now because of the charter school off of Joseph, 
thus becoming even more dangerous.

Date sent:      	Wed, 22 Mar 2000 22:58:24 -0800
From:           	"Margaret A. Davis" <>
Subject:        	Joseph Street

What are the plans for Joseph Street? The reason I ask is that I live east
of Mountain VIew off of Joseph, and feel we really need a sidewalk from
Sherwood to Mt View (that would  include the bridge), because it's heavily
traveled, narrow, and dangerous for pedestrians. I've heard mention a coupls
of times about plans for Joseph Street, but I'm not sure if they would
include a sidewalk. How does one go about requesting a sidewalk?


Joan Klingler
League of Women Voters
PO Box 9535
Moscow ID 83843
208-882-0727 fax

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