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RE: $5 million windfall

> I agree that we should not spend it all
Support for this concept!  Municipal bonds -- tax free -- could be a good 
option, say for $1 million, earning between 6 and 8% per annum would 
yield excellent returns and enable the city to use only the proceeds for 
special projects. How about creating a reward system for achievements, 
citizenship and the like?  Kids like to shoot for goals and be models for 
others -- gives pride of self and in the community, which are never too 
common to acknowledge. Some earnings could also be used to help needy 
kids who,while anxious to participate in various recreational activities, 
may not always have the equipment, clothes or special gear needed; some 
criteria linked to worthiness could be set up. Could include also 
cultural themes (learning about other cultures and languages in our 
constantly changing population mix) along with art projects and the like.
    Presumably a task force is in the making and that group should be 
made known to all who want to send in ideas via email or regular mail. 
Who is working on this aspect?  How grateful we should all be for such 
selfless generosity by a former Moscow citizen!  Such acts make the 
greedy side of our society pale by comparison -- what a difference a 
little compassion can make.   Go for it!  Ken M. 

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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