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Re: Old Moscow High School

If I was given the opportunity to vote on using tax dollars on the building,
I would vote no and cheerfully watch it be demolished.  I have never
harbored much appreciation for the building.  However, that does not mean I
oppose the attempt to raise the financing needed to remodel the building.
There are some who have had a dream, and dreamers should be encouraged, with
a healthy dose of practicality.
My puzzlement currently is the apparent lack of enthusiasm generated by the
fund raisers.  If there is a lack of widespread enthusiasm, then the
community will not support the remodel financially.  Perhaps there is a
feeling within the community as a whole, not just the enthusiastic dreamers,
that reflects a lack of credibility with the city in regards to such
projects.  The dreamers came up with a plan for a pool that was widely and
enthusiastically supported, but turned out to be undoable without major cut
backs and further ongoing financial support.  The dreamers wanted a skate
park, and were told to raise $50,000 to fund it.  Each time they got close
to the goal, the goal was increased, and now it seems we will have a skate
park for $90,000 instead of $50,000.  Perhaps the community is simply tired
of enthusiasm, and is favoring practicality.
The hiring of a "professional fund raiser" should provide the answer in
fairly short order and may be the only hope left for the dreamers.  Good


John and Laurie Danahy

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