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Old Moscow High School

During my involvement with the fight to save and reuse the OMHS (old
Moscow High School) I have searched in vain for common ground to share with 
those who wish to see the building destroyed.  I believe I have found that 
place where we can join forces, at least for the short term.  To reach that 
common ground both sides will have to give a little.  For my part I will 
accept the fact that this project might fail, that our community might have 
neither the resources nor the will to see this project through to 
completion.  In return I ask only that the opponents of this project abandon 
their call for the destruction of this building.  If we can agree to these 
small steps toward each other we can make this project profitable to our 
community no matter what the outcome.
The OMHS has value.  I believe the building has great value, some think it 
has very little.  The city bought the building for $150,000, with money 
donated for that purpose.  If we sell the building to a private developer, 
as some have suggested, the city's coffers would be modestly increased.  We 
can increase the value of the property, at no cost to taxpayers, thereby 
increasing the potential sale price.  What watchdog of the public purse 
could oppose that?
Through a stroke of good (extraordinary) fortune we have access to between 
one and three million non-tax dollars to use to turn a publicly owned 
building into a community center.  Close to 1.4 million of those dollars are 
already on the table.  How could a fiscally responsible person choose not to 
use those dollars to enhance the value of a public property?  If, we deside 
farther along in the process, that the task is too much for our community, 
we will have a much more valuable property to put on the open market.  The 
money already in hand will provide a new roof, elevator, most of the 
plumbing and electrical work, and a useable ground floor.
Those opposed to this project might dispute my notion that the OMHS 
presently has great value.  I fail to see how even the most vehement 
naysayer could not see value after an infusion of 1.4 million private 
dollars.  As a community we should avail ourselves of that money, not 
foolishly throw it away.
I have searched long and hard for common ground, a place for those with 
opposing views to come together for the common good.  I believe I have found 
that place.  If you are in favor of this project tell the mayor and members 
of the city council to procewed, to use the money in hand to make the 
improvements we can afford.  Let's bring this project closer to reality.  If 
you oppose public reuse of the OMHS then tell you mayor and city council to 
use the money already in hand to make the property a more saleable asset.

                      Aaron C. Ament
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