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Chief Weaver update

So, the FBI called me.  The agent from Lewiston wanted Timothy Egan's phone 
number.  While he noted that he had other ways to get the number (like 
trying information for the NYTimes in Seattle), he knew I had Egan's number 
since I had posted to this list about my conversation with Egan.
The Lewiston Tribune today (Sat. March 11, page 5A) includes a story by ace 
reporter Erin Walter about the FBI's interest in the bogus posting about 
Chief Weaver, and the context of this posting as exposing a real rift 
between the city police and county sheriff offices.
The story includes the information that a current sheriff deputy (who had 
been fired by the city police) delivered a copy of the bogus Timothy Egan 
posting to the city with a message that he would sue the city if these 
accusations were proved.
Something is clearly amiss here in the relationship between city and county 
law enforcement.  What is going on?  Will the FBI sort it all out?
Stay tuned....
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