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The Pool Was: 1912 Building

>I'm disapponited that the future of the 1912 building
>has not gotton this community's interest like it should, frankly I'm,
>still surprised that the swimming pool is being built.

Surprised as in disappointed, or surprised as in amazed?  I'm not sure what
"surprised" connotes here, but I would prefer to think the latter.  I'm
delighted that the pool is being built, as we have only recently moved from
CdA and sorely miss the lake.  I know, the UI has a pool, as does Pullman,
but I find the pool at the UI to be inadequate for family use, and the pool
in Pullman inconveniently distant.

Anyway, I have just discovered Vision2020, and, the "Timothy Egan" forgery
aside, I am quite happy with the quality and the quantity of input.

Thank you, the powers that be, for providing such a marvelous resource, and
thank you all for making Moscow such an exciting and dynamic town.



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