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Re: Highway 95 -- Moscow Bypass

Mike it seems to me that there should be 4 bypasses , genessee to troy and
pullman, and somewhere north of moscow to pullman and troy. or at least
join the by-passes half way to pullman and troy so you could skirt around
moscow and avoid town. 	

> From: Mike Curley <curley@CYPHER.TURBONET.COM>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Highway 95 -- Moscow Bypass
> Date: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 3:00 PM
> Visionaries:
> It doesn't seem to be a reasonable comparison to look at Moscow and
nearly any 
> city in the crowded east--or any other larger city.  Our downtown is two
> wide by 5 or 6 blocks long.  If we keep running an ever increasing number
> trucks through it, no one will want to spend any time there.  There is
> of room for development around the outskirts (and beyond) of the city
> Putting a bypass through the west part of town isn't likely to promote
> business development on the U of I property or further south across
> River Drive--at least none that couldn't already find a reasonably 
> attractive location.  With the couplet completed by the time any by-pass
> built, there will still be plenty of traffic through downtone. 
> some who are traveling to points north might exit the bypass at Moscow
> food, gas, or other supplies who might have made that stop downtown if
> were the only route.  Since my downtown business doesn't rely on  
> out-of-towners stopping by, I don't pretend to speak for retailers, 
> restaurants, gas stations and others who do.  But, if I were locating a
> operation downtown right now, I would still push for a west Moscow
by-pass and 
> believe that I was doing the right thing not only for the community but
> for my own economic self-interest.  
> In that regard, I believe it in the city's best interest to encourage the

> current routing of 95 to be one of the more western routes (certainly not
> Paradise Ridge as the designers obviously want to encourage) so that a
> remains a viable option.  any route that ties into the couplet from the
> will be highly unlikely to afford an opportunity to realistically discuss
> by-pass.  
> Mike Curley
> From:          "Philip Cook" <>
> Organization:  University of Idaho
> To:  
> Date:          Wed, 1 Mar 2000 12:10:29 -0800
> Subject:       Re: Highway 95 -- Moscow Bypass
> Reply-to:
> Priority:      normal
> Bruce Livingston wrote:
> > The experience of many cities that built interstate highway spurs and
> > beltways was that it hurt their downtowns and ecouraged development
> > of the downtown aand instead on the beltway.
> To me, this result is not inevitable.  If a community has the political 
> will to keep land along the spur, beltway, or bypass in zoning 
> classifications that prohibit such development, then it cannot 
> occur. The big question is does such political will exist? 
> Philip Cook

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