Re: Gas boycott?
It seems somewhat illogical that not buying gas for three days would affect the price, particularly if you go fill 'er up on the fourth. To affect the price over the long term you'd have to reduce demand
substantially. That's what happened last year when the collapse of the Asian economies reduced demand. OPEC continued to produce at their previous levels, and the price of crude dropped to record lows. OPEC
reduced their output in response. Now demand has picked up in Asia, but oil production has not increased, so the price is up.
Unless OPEC decides to increase production, there's cheating by some of the members, or Iraq is allowed back into the market in a big way, prices will remain high.
John Murray wrote:
> I received one of those chain e-mails today and it claims that a one-day gas boycott last year drove down the price of gas. Anyone know anything about this? Anyone think it might work? Here's the e-mail:
Ron Force
Moscow, Idaho U.S.A.
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