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FYI Fairgrounds upgrade

I hope I can answer some of your questions concerning the upcoming bond for
fairgrounds improvements. 
Mr. London stated "This is not like another local project, the Moscow pool,
where the basic cost was met with public money, but user fees will be
charged to help keep 
it open and functioning."

This project is very much like the Moscow pool.

The basic cost of the fairgrounds upgrade will hopefully be met with public
money while the cost for M & O will be user fees to keep it open and
functioning.  The ONLY portion of the fairgrounds use that a fee is NOT
charged is the actual admission into the Fair.  All other functions and
events at the Fair and at the fairgrounds  are charged a fee for the use. 
Most fairs in the country charge an admission fee and a parking fee to
attend a fair. Admission prices for a family to attend a fair that charges
a gate is well over $40. (which is about the anticipated "average" cost to
taxpayers per year for this bond).   User fees are indeed in the picture.

None of us wants to pay for an increase in taxes, but the fairgrounds is in
dire need of improvements to bring it up to code.  The fairgrounds is not
in compliance with ADA, it is designated as a command post in the event of
a disaster and is not adequate, the kitchen is not up to health department
standards, restroom facilities are almost non-existent, the roof leaks, the
list goes on.  Three hundred dollars over an eight year period is a
"fairly" small increase.

Contrary to what most county residents think the fairgrounds is used YEAR
ROUND.  Check out the fairgrounds events calendar.  

Does this answer some of your questions?  Feel free to stop by the Fair
office for more details.

Terry Johnson-Huhta

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