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Youth Summit

Dear Visionaries,

"Moscow's Promise" is a new organization in town that is dedicated to
promoting the best possible environment and support for children and youth
in Moscow.  It is affiliated with Colin Powell's "America's Promise" which
encourages grassroots efforts to promise all children and youth with the
following assets:

1) an ongoing relationship with a caring adult
2) a safe place with structured activities outside of school hours
3) a healthy start
4) a marketable skill through effective education
5) an opportunity to give back through community service

Rather than provide direct programming for youth, the group works to
stimulate, motivate, and cultivate activities and efforts of existing
organizations to meet one or more of the above promises. By increasing
communication and commitments between a wide variety of community groups,
"Moscow's Promise" hopes to strengthen the opportunities open to all our
children.  Representatives from scouting, schools, churches, service groups,
4-H, U of I, parks and rec, and many others have been active in getting
things up and running.

On Saturday, April 29, Moscow's Promise is sponsoring a Youth Summit.  The
purpose of the summit is to bring together youth (ages 12 - 21) and adults
from the community to begin a united process for building a positive
environment for the young people of Moscow.  We are looking for about 125
participants,  divided equally between youth and adults.  If you or someone
you know might be interested in attending the summit, please contact Kris
Day, who is coordinating invitations.  She can be reached by e-mail at or by phone at 885-2237.  We would be especially interested
in hearing about or from possible youth participants.

Thanks for your help - hope to see several generations of visionaries at the

Laurie Danahy

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