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Re: fairgrounds bond

To collect user fees, there would need to be several things in place:
1.a fence, surrounding the property
2. a gate
3. staff to collect fees
4. security staff to ensure that people don't leap the fence

I'm sure there are more issues that that, too. The question that came before us,
when I served on the Fair Board, was how much would it cost to collect fees. At
that time, we decided that it was more of an investment than we cared to make.

Lynn Baird

bill london wrote:

> It appears that Latah County will float a bond by the voters in a few months
> for the upgrade of the county fairgrounds.  As I understand the numbers I
> read in the Daily News, the "average" household would see a rise in property
> taxes of about $40 annually for 8 years ( or about $320).
> While bonds are one way to pay for such an upgrade, another option of
> helping with that cost--user fees--will not be included.  There will not be
> an admission fee for the fair.
> Somehow, it just doesn't seem right that the people who care about the fair,
> and presumably the fairgrounds, are not directly helping pay for  this
> upgrade.
> This is not like another local project, the Moscow pool, where the basic
> cost was met with public money, but user fees will be charged to help keep
> it open and functioning.
> I have gone to the Latah County Fair.  My daughter used to really enjoy
> going.  I'm sure it is a very fun event and all.  But I am having some
> trouble seeing why it should cost us $300 in direct tax increase to upgrade
> that site.  Can someone explain to me why I should want to pay that
> increase?
> BL
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