Re: Final Farewell to the 4th Amendment?
G M wrote:
> It was announced today that the Supreme Court will
> decide whether it is consitutional for police to set
> up roadblocks to stop motorists, with no probable
> cause, . . . There is very little evidence to support being
> optimistic about the outcome. Our silence is deafening.
Dear Vision2020:
For the past 30 years, since Nixon appointed a radical to the U.S.
supreme court, W. Rehnquist, that court has worked tirelessly to destroy
the Bill of Rights. They long ago succeeded. You wish farewell the the
Fourth Amendment? Too late. There is no longer any right against
unreasonable searches and seizures by the state, no right to remain
silent, no right to confront witnesses against you, no right to a public
trial, no right to a fair trial, no rights at all. They are gone, gone,
gone. Remember, it was the Republican Party, which used to profess to a
liking for small government, that has promoted and now created a country
without citizen protections from government. The Constitution, that
Great Document, is no longer our armor; the supreme court has turned it
into a dressmaker's dummy on which government now drapes the flag and
pretends to profess honor. There is one exception to this, however:
rich, white people is this country are afforded ample, if not complete,
protection from the law.
So, farewell Bill of Rights; we admired you once. I tell my children
that this country had a great idea, once upon a time, a long, long time
Duncan Palmatier
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