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Let's talk moderation


About two years ago, a series of possibly libelous statements on this
listserv prompted calls for an official moderator.  His or her job would be
to act as a gatekeeper for all posts on the list.  It was suggested that
members of the 2020 steering committee would screen each and every post
according to some mutually acceptable criteria.

At the time, I argued strongly against the idea.  I wanted no part in
deciding which were "appropriate" posts suitable for everyone's

Now I'm no longer so certain.  I have found many recent posts to be rude,
petty, rambling, and today, clearly inappropriate.  The one today from
someone using Timothy Egan's name (or so it appears) definitely crossed the
line for me.

While I still don't like the idea of there being an all-judge of what's ok
to post, I think the list has gotten out of control.  I'm ready to talk
moderation again.  Possible criteria for posting *might be* no personal
attacks; only two posts per day; and some limits on length.

What do others think?  And please, no personal attacks on this one, folks
.. let's just talk about whether moderation is or is not worth pursuing.

--Priscilla Salant

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