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When I first made the trip from Moscow to Genesee(1949), the last leg
of my journey from the train station in Spokane, I believe it was on the old 
highway, only parts of which are still in use. The new highway, our present 
95, bypassed Genesee.  As traffic has increased over the yearsI am sure the 
bypass of Genesee has been most responsible for that city retaining its 
small town identity.  Now we are ready to behold the next incarnation of 95. 
  I believe that before blade is allowed to touch dirt, a plan should be in 
place for the bypass of Moscow. Any improvements to the highway should be 
part of that plan.
I do not believe we need a four lane scar accross the palouse.  Certainly, 
improvements to 95 would be welcomed.  I believe wider shoulders and more 
frequent passing lanes would be sufficient.  Best case: An improved 95 with 
a Moscow bypass.  Worst case: a freeway laid
accross the Palouse and through Moscow.
In 1967 I traveled from Genesee to Boise.  That journet took me across two 
(if my memory serves me) one lane bridges and down two hills on roads best 
described as scribbles (the Lewiston and White Bird grades).  Our choice is 
not between that road and a freeway.
                                      Aaron C. Ament

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