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amended agenda for week of February 14, 2000 and proceedings for week of January 31, 2000

(Roll call for Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345)
   8:15 AM Approve/Deny for Signature and Filing
1.	Approve Commissioners’ Proceedings for week of January 31, 2000
2.	Request for cancellation of property tax due to hardship by Neomie Lynn
Pepe, MH01CT00010AA
3.	Request for cancellation of property tax due to hardship by Kelly Sue
Byers, MHB12600170020A
4.	Request for tax cancellation  by Jack L. Downey, PPJ024
5.	Request for tax cancellation for Pete’s Main Street Auto Body, PPE046
6.	Request for 1-year increment increase for Diane K. Collins,PS4
Communications Specialist, Sheriff’s Office, Department 04D, Line 02
7.	Request for 3-year increment increase for  Michael Gregory, PS5 Reserve
Deputy, Sheriff’s Office, Department 04F, Line 03
8.	Request for 3-year increment increase for John Sullivan, PS5 Patrol
Deputy, Sheriff’s Office, Department 04B, Line 10
9.	Request for 4-year increment increase for James D. Martin, PS4 Detention
Deputy, Sheriff’s Office, Department 04E, Line 06
10.	File 8-year evaluation of Deanna Strampher, PS5 Detention Deputy,
Sheriff’s Office, Department 04E, Line 05
11.	Request to hire Mary Ellen Martin as PS4 Communication Specialist,
Sheriff’s Office, Department 04D, Line 10
12.	Review and discuss Sheriff’s memorandum regarding assignment of prior
years of service to pay grade for employee outside established policy
13.	File Public Defender hours for January, 2000 - Brian D. Thie
14.	File Public Defender hours for January, 2000 - Gregory C. Dickison
15.	File Fee Report from 12/1/1999 - 12/31/1999, Clerk/Auditor/Recorder
16.	File Fee Report from 1/1/2000 - 1/31/2000, Clerk/Auditor/Recorder
17.	Tuition Aid request by Julie Crabtree for North Idaho College
18.	Tuition Aid request by John Clark Wells for North Idaho College
19.	Request to appoint Andrew Conkey to the  Latah Trail Design Subcommittee
20.	Request to appoint Glenda Deitrick to the Latah Trail Design
21.	Request to surplus filing cabinet by Planning & Building
22.	Request to surplus storage cabinet by Cooperative Extension
23.	File Verification of Coverage by ICRMP for AmeriCorps  Promise Fellow
24.	File notice of trade-in of truck and tractors; notice of purchase of
tractors by Latah County Parks & Recreation to ICRMP
25.	Request to transfer funds within Budget 61-00 Block Grant 2000, for
asset survey AmeriCorp Promise Project, ($7,000)
26.	Request to transfer funds from Budget 01-05 Current Expense -
Commissioners’ to Budget 01-14 Current Expense - Information Services
27.	Request Chair’s signature on QUICK’N BRITE, INC. application for credit.
The account is to be established for the purpose of purchasing the cleaning
product, Quick’n Brite, Buildings & Grounds
28.	File letter from Idaho Bureau of Disaster Services, awarding County
Emergency Management Performance Grant and request Chair’s Signature on
Obligating Document for Award
29.	File notice of Unemployment Insurance Benefits Liability Determination
for Richard Skiles
30.	Request to Sign AS/400 WindStar Service Agreement
   9:00 AM Department Heads and Elected Officials Regular Meeting
1.	Courthouse phone system transition, Mike Kinner, Carol Alexander
2.	Other Business
3.	Supervisory Training, Patty Schneider, VRI
10:30 AM Civil Counsel, new and ongoing discussions
1.	Discussion of Fair Bond Election, General Obligation Bond
2.	File letter from Mark S. Moorer, representing Krasselt Brothers, Inc.,
Potlatch Pack, Wayne, Melvin, and Clinton Krasselt, to Fran Maki, and Latah
County Fair Board
3.	Executive Session, Litigation/Indigent
11:30 AM Rural Development Regular Meeting, Marsha Tyg Reid
1.	Activities, new and ongoing updates
  1:15 PM Approve Monthly Bills
  1:30 PM Buildings & Grounds Regular Meeting, Jim Kremer
  2:00 PM Youth Services Regular Meeting, Elaine Broyles
  9:30 AM Solid Waste Regular Meeting, Don Bafus
1.	Solid Waste Management Plan Outline
2.	Letter to Idaho Waste Systems
10:00 AM Applications for Indigent Funds
11:00 AM Information Services Regular Meeting, Mike Kinner
1.	AS/400 Update
2.	Work priorities
11:30 AM Planning & Building Regular Meeting, Gerard Billington
  1:30 PM BOCC Weekly Review - New and Ongoing Discussions
1.	“Public Records Requests” committee report
2.	Region II Juvenile Detention Center billing changes, Elaine Broyles
3.	Discussion of Chamber of Commerce fundraiser donation
4.	Discussion of memorandum regarding Wellness Committee issues
5.	Review House Bill No. 496: Highway Right of Way, Validation
6.	Review House Bill 525, Senate Bill No. 1328, and Senate Bill No. 1383:
Assessment of Damages in Eminent Domain Proceedings
7.	Senate Bill 1384: Property Condemned/Relocation Costs
8.	Discussion, correspondence from Patti Gora regarding Field Burning
9.	Request for 6-month increment increase for Leah Petersen, A010 Auditor
Assistant, Auditor/Recorder’s Office, Department 01B, Line 03
10.	Discuss Petition/Letter dated 1/31/00 re: Fred Leas, requesting public
meeting with Board
  2:45 PM Executive Session, Personnel
  3:00 PM Fairgrounds Meeting with Latah County Fair Board and Fran Maki
  4:00 PM Review and Approve Latah County Audit for year ending September
30, 1999, Clerk/Auditor Susan Petersen and Jim Pilcher, CPA
1:00 PM Latah County Employee workshop: Relational Communications, VRI, Room
2B, Courthouse
3:00 PM Latah County Employee workshop: Relational Communications, VRI, Room
2B, Courthouse
7:00 PM Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, Room 2B, Courthouse
6:30 PM Zoning Commission Meeting, Room 2B, Courthouse
8:00 AM Sheriff Communications Specialist Testing, Room 2B, Courthouse
9:30 PM Latah Trail Committee Meeting, Room 2B, Courthouse
Week of January 31, 2000

Commissioners Loreca J. Stauber, Samuel G. Duncan and Paul J. Kimmell met in
regular session.  The following actions were taken:

Approve Commissioners’ Proceedings for week of January 24, 2000

Approved, signed, filed Request for Transfer of Ownership and Renewal of
Retail Alcohol Beverage License, Linda R. Haupt dba Country Gas Mart, 3470
Highway 6, Princeton.

Approved, signed, filed Request for Tax Cancellation by Melford Colvin,
RP41N03W050725A.  Home has not been occupied.

Approved, signed, filed Request for Tax Cancellation by Stanley M & Patricia
E Miller, OC39N05W047363A.  Approved due to over-valuation.

Approved, signed, filed Request for Tax Cancellation by Decker Construction,
SPD048.  Approved to avoid double taxation.

Motion and Order to rescind  Motion and Order of January 19, 2000, approving
Chair’s signature on the Professional Services Contract between Latah County
and Geographic Mapping to continue Enhanced 911 Emergency Services (E911).

Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on  Professional Services
Agreement to prepare Master Street Address Guide for Bovill, Deary, Genesee,
Juliaetta, Kendrick, Onaway, Potlatch and Troy and other related tasks,
between Latah County and Geographic Mapping Consultants, Inc. outlining
tasks 1 & 2 to be completed by February 29, 2000 for $7,200 and $1,600
respectively.  Task 3 to be completed 30 days after GTE responds.  Not to
exceed $5,400.  The Sheriff’s office will oversee the implementation of said
project as contract administrator.

Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on University of Idaho
Subcontract No. APK660-99E, Modification 3, Idaho Tobacco Project.

Filed Claim for Damages by Ryan Cooper in the amount of $80.00.

Motion and Order to approve Chair’s signature on AmeriCorps Promise Fellow
Housing and Services Agreement between Latah County and Gritman Hospital;
the aim of the work of the Promise Fellow will be fostering the development
of Latah youth into healthy, productive adults.  Duration of agreement is
January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000.

Filed Resignation of Christopher Mickelsen as Detention Deputy, Sheriff,
Detention Department 04E, Line 08.  Effective February 4, 2000.

Motion and Order to authorize submission of a Community Policing (ILLECP)
Grant application in the amount of $7,782.00 on behalf of the City of
Kendrick to the State of Idaho, Department of Juvenile Corrections to avail
of 20 hours a month of law enforcement service from the Latah County Sheriff
’s Office; Service will focus on positive programs for Kendrick-Juliaetta
youth.  Kari Galloway will be grant manager.  Proposal budget subject to
review and approval by the Board of County Commissioners.

Motion and Order to authorize submission of a Project Grant application
request to the Idaho Commission on the Arts in the amount of $4,200.00, to
support video production classes to be incorporated into the Latah County
Summer (2001) Arts Program for Youth; to be administered by Marsha Tyg Reid.
Proposal budget subject to review and approval by the Board of County

Motion and Order to authorize submission of a “QUICKPROJECT” Grant
application in the amount of $980.00 to the Idaho Commission on the Arts on
behalf of artist Ludmilla (Lida) Saskova to avail youth of rural Latah
County a (pilot) one-week video art class; service will focus on developing
video production skills during summer recreation program for summer 2001; to
be administered by Lida Saskova.

Approved, signed, filed Resolution #2000-01, request to transfer funds from
Current Expense - Buildings and Grounds “C” Budget to Current Expense -
Buildings and Grounds “A” Budget: $10,000 shall be transferred from fund
line 01-10-0808-0000 into fund line 01-10-0406-0000, Salary Part-time; $600
shall be transferred from fund line 01-10-0808-0000 into 01-10-0419-0000,
Flat Fringe Benefit.  Effective January 31, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed request to surplus broken chair, Planning &

Approved, signed, filed request for clerical assistance two hours per week,
Rural Development Department.

Filed Public Defender Conflict Hours, D. Ray Barker.

Filed Letter from Linda Pike regarding Latah Health Services: a)Notice of
Protest; b)Questions regarding correspondence from Civil Counsel, Robin
Eckman; c)Request for answers to Pike’s letter.

Motion and Order requesting Charles Bower take the lead in establishing a
training program for  Automatic External Defibrillator use;  Establishment
of a pilot program by the county is dependent upon review by Civil Counsel.
Mr. Bower will establish protocols in consultation with Dr. Debra McKinnon,
and obtain some cost estimates for the equipment.  Mileage costs incurred
and office supplies will be reimbursed or supplied by Latah County.

Signed and filed Letter from Clara Voss regarding Solid Waste Fee concerns.
Board approved a one-can base rate at $5.00 a month for year 2000.

Convened in Executive Session at 10:45 A.M. on February 2, 2000, to discuss
Indigent matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(d).  Adjourned
at 11:08 A.M.  10 cases approved, 3 cases denied.

Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on the acceptance of
Contract Amendment of Solid Waste with the City of Moscow, as modified.

Approved, signed, filed Commissioners’ proceedings for the week of January
24, 2000.

Signed and filed Proposal from Idaho Transportation Department requesting
county assistance in identifying any social, economic, or environmental
concerns that may be involved in the construction of a 3 meter-wide
pedestrian/bike path from the Juliaetta City Park to its intersection at
State Highway 3 in Kendrick.  Commissioner Sam Duncan will draft a response.

Approved, signed, filed request from the Rural Development Coordinator to
establish a charge account at Mailboxes, Etc. for Federal Express overnight

Approved, signed, filed Personnel Change Request Form to add ¾ time position
to Table of Organization, Buildings and Grounds, Housekeeping.  Department
05F Line 08, at proposed pay grade AO3.

Filed memo from County Surveyor, Ron Monson, PLS, regarding budgets and
goals. The Board may revisit concerns addressed in Monson’s memo of January
19, 2000.

Filed Bottled Water Survey submitted by the Employee Advisory Committee.

Motion and Order to approve Chair’s signature on the purchase agreement for
two copiers: Ricoh Aficio 180, $2,808.00 (for Department of Motor Vehicles)
and Ricoh Aficio 200, $3,482.00 (for Assessor’s Office).

Filed notice in the matter of Appeal 99-A-7519 by Palouse Hills Adventist
School before the Idaho Board of Tax Appeals; Notice and Order Linda S. Pike
shall abstain from any discussion or decision affecting the outcome of the

Signed and filed Eligibility Determination on Unemployment Insurance Claim,
Dave Aichele.

Approved, signed, filed Transfer and Renewal of Retail Alcohol Beverage
License, Zupon  Inc. dba Rathaus Pizza Shoppe, 215 North Main Street,

Convened in Executive Session at 2:34 P.M. on February 2, 2000, to discuss
Indigent matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(d).  Adjourned
at 2:41 P.M.  1 case denied.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:						, Chair

ATTEST:							, Deputy/Clerk

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