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Legislative Newsletter IV - Feb. 4-11

     As most of you know by now, on February 1st I had  successful bypass
surgery and returned to my Boise townhouse last Sunday.  I am making good
progress thanks to my good wife, Jo Ann, and all of my friends.
Representative Maynard Miller is acting as my substitute, working hard to
ensure that my bills make it through committee and to the house floor. I
hope to resume my duties on the 22nd.   

I wish to thank all of you for your cards, letters, and best wishes.  It's
amazing that I've been able to keep in
touch by phone and e mail plus meetings with Rep. Miller in terms of
legislative progress from my Boise residence.

     1.  Minimum Wage for Farm Workers  --  the bill has been introduced to
be printed.  We have some farm organizations that support the bill.  To
date the Governor has not supported the bill because he feels it would hurt
farmers in poor economic times.  It is of interest that in good economic
times no push was made to pass such a bill.   There is a big push by the
Governor to improve Idaho's image to the world.  What better opportunity
than to grant equal status to some of the hardest working population we
have in the State.  I hope the Governor takes the risk like Gov. Batt did
when he pushed for the Workman's Comp bill.

     2.  Bill to Force Supermajority on Wildlife Issues Fails  --  A
proposed constitutional amendment that would require 2/3rds approval for
wildlife management initiatives failed to get enough votes.  I opposed
the bill because I don't think that we need to further erode the rights of
citizens to enact laws by initiative.

     3.  PERSI  --  The House Commerce and Humans Resources Committee
approved the three PERSI bills including:  1) full funding at 100 percent
with a 12 percent standard deviation for protection against major economic
downturns, 2)  increasing the multiplier from 1.91 to 2.0 (and up to 2.3
for firefighters and police), and 3) gains sharing.  The bills should come
up on the floor of the House for a vote this week.  We need 36 votes to pass.

     4.  Tax Collectors Find More Money  --  Idahoans fail to pay about
$175 million in taxes.  Under Gov. Batt we hired a group of auditors to go
after non taxpayers.  The first year they collected an extra $16.7
million and in the past seven months have raked in another $10 million.
Keep up the good work.

     5.  Tax Cuts  --  A number of tax cut proposals are circulating the
Legislature.  Personally, I'm opposed to any tax cuts when the State has so
many pressing needs, i.e.  Highway 95 funds,  medical insurance
for children,  school facilities, and the list goes on.  Jesse Ventura in
Minnesota handed out tax rebate checks totaling over one billion dollars.
Everyone likes a tax return but we need to be responsible in meeting
priority needs.

     6.  Kids Count  --  The Idaho Kids Count Survey was just released .
The data reveals that 16.5% of Idaho's children live below the poverty
level.  Idaho showed improvement with a higher percentage of babies born
with greater birth weight than previously.  The percentage of children
immunized by age 2 has also increased dramatically with Region II (our
region) leading the way.  The survey helps guide us in directing our funds
to the most critical areas.

     7.  Gun Safety in the Schools  --  HB 444 bans legally concealed
weapons from school grounds unless the bearer has permission of the school
board, which can approve gun use for gun safety classes and other
activities.  Adults would be allowed to keep weapons locked in their cars
in an "unobtrusive, non-threatening manner" or while picking up and
dropping off students.  Anyone convicted of violating the law could spend
up to a year in prison.  Rep. Randy Hansen worked with teachers, parents,
and law enforcement to pull this bill together.  I will support the bill
although there may be some areas that need tightening up.  It is a definite
step forward.

     You can contact this coming week via Rep. Miller at 332-1000 or
directly to me via e mail

Rep. Tom Trail/Dist.5

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