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Re: columbine and god

At 11:39 PM 02/10/2000 -0700, Greg Burton wrote:
That's the problem with many zealots, of any faith, too often they trample the lamb in a bungled effort to be the shepherd

At 11:39 PM 02/10/2000 -0700, Greg Burton wrote:
That's the problem with many zealots, of any faith, too often they trample the lamb in a bungled effort to be the shepherd....

Also, those who claim that they fought for our rights are most eager to beat us up for using those same rights.

Wolfgang M. Schwartzenweitraub wrote:
 It is little pucks like you that some of us

defended many years ago in a far away place.  We defended your right to make
us sick with your rhetoric.

Bob Hoffmann
229 East C St., Suite B
Moscow, ID  83843  USA
Phone: (208) 883-0642
Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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