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columbine and god

I'm almost positive Don doesn't drive a Cadillac. I'm pretty sure the Wolf has committed a misdemeanor threat. And, I'm certain that this is one of the most unChristian passages I have ever read on this list. That's the problem with many zealots, of any faith, too often they trample the lamb in a bungled effort to be the shepherd, cheers greg.

Wolfgang M. Schwartzenweitraub wrote:

Coombs your entitled to your opinion that is what a lot of people in this

world would say myself included.  I do not agree with your attitude nor do I
respect your views or small talk about the Lord, God, Jesus Christ.  If you
said those things to me in the middle of a wheat field and not on the
University of Idaho campus I would take you apart limb by limb.  You aren't
man enough to back yourself up.  It is little pucks like you that some of us
defended many years ago in a far away place.  We defended your right to make
us sick with your rhetoric. You have the right to say what you want about
some of us and our Lord.  But, don't flatter yourself to think you are clear
of me on this one.


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