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Ice Rink

 I'm Rick's son, Keith. I'd like to repost the following excerpts from your
e-mail to the Moscow Vision 2020 mailing list (a local group of about 100
people or so who discuss issues affecting the Moscow/Pullman area)... we've
asked about a rink in the past and received responses from around 5 or 10
people who indicated an interest in having a rink in the area, and who might
be able to provide personal letters of support to help in convincing the
city... I'd also like to leave your e-mail address in so they can contact
you directly... if you don't mind having the following reposted on the
Vision2020 list, let me know and I'll send it asap :) Thanx...

    - Keith Howe

>From: Steve Bush <>
>Subject: Ice Rink
>Date: Tue, Feb 8, 2000, 10:15 AM

 Rick Howe, Mic Hess, of the Rotary Club and I meet with the City of
Moscow again today.  The City seems positive about the idea of a rink in
Moscow, however, they would like us to do more home work and get back to
them in two weeks.  They are concerned about spending this kind of money
that we are asking for if their isn't enough community support

 It would be very helpful for our cause to provide the City with letters
of intent "to use the facility" if the rink was located here in Moscow.
Those letters should be from all possible sources, i.e. U of I Hockey
Team, WSU Hockey Team, Frats, Sororities, Intermural Sports, High School
and Jr. High P.E. classes, U. of I Physical Fitness Programs, U of I
Student Wellness Programs, use your imagination for Both Moscow and
Pullman.  The more letters we have showing support the better.
 We could REALLY use someone interested in using the rink for figure
skating to assist our organization.  Also any interest from Sororities
or Womens Hockey would be very beneficial.

   The City would like us to gather these letters of "Interest" and
gather student support information and report back in two weeks.  We
need to really show Moscow IS ready for Ice, if we want the City's Help.

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