Re: highways to tomorrow
Because what you have is like a heart with all of the arteries plugged.
This highway 95 was not constructed it was placed on convenient grades and
hillsides of opportunity. It is controlling your life you are not in charge
of it. It does not match the landscape it exist on it as a reminder to us
all of what does not work nor will not work any longer. A wide two lane
highway is good. It might only kill 16 people per year. That would only be
one half the indigenous population of Moscow this next 21st Century. With
all due respect;
Wolfgang M. Schwartzenweintraub
----- Original Message -----
From: "JS M" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: highways to tomorrow
> >My interruption of the statement is this:
> >
> >Why can't we Idahoans build a very good TWO-LANE highway,
> >as the Canadians do? Why must Idahoans think in terms
> >of FOUR LANES as the solution???
> Well, that's a good observation. Ya know, a good two lane road with wider
> lanes and shoulders would probably solve 75% of the traffic accident
> problems. Bypassing Moscow might make the place more peaceful, too, but
> what about highway commercial sprouting up outside town? A bypass would
> out for a big a__ Husky truckstop, and there goes the neighborhood.
> I saw a comment here about building light rail. I really, really don't
> think that's a good idea. It's enormously expensive, it doesn't work in
> rural communities, and building one is just like building a road. I did a
> paper in college on the costs of light rail, and like bus routes, there is
> no way it pays for itself; you have to accept that it will always be
> subsidized (just like wheat farming). Why not fix what we have?
> jm
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