Re: New well questions
A well needs a prime location only if one needs the water.
-----Original Message-----
From: bill london <>
To: <>;
Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: New well questions
>I assume the new well was located on the west side of Moscow near the
>stateline to take advantage of a deeper aquifer source there.
>I wonder why a vacant lot on A Street cost $100,000.
>Was it a very large lot? Was it a prime location (does a well need a prime
>>From: "JS M" <>
>>Subject: New well questions
>>Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 16:36:11 PST
>>The Moscow-Pullman Daily News reports today that the City bought a lot to
>>place a new well. It's at the end of A street, according to the article,
>>and the City considers it a prime site. My questions: Why place the well
>>at the end of "A"? Will a reservoir accompany the well at a later date?
>>Why does Moscow need a new well? How much will the well be capable of
>>pumping (o.k. you won't know until it's drilled, but how much does the
>>want to pump?)? Thanx for any response.
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