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Open Burning Forum

The V2020 post concerning the forum this Saturday
seemed to indicate a lack of panelists one would
expect to be critical of field burning.  Patti Gora
was the only panelist I recognized as an outspoken

Are there other panel members who are opponents of or
at least question current practices?

I am very interested in the subject but concerned
about the format.  I'm not interested in sitting
through prepared presentations of the same arguments
I've heard or read before.  On the other hand, if
there is going to be ample time for questions (and,
importantly, follow-up questions) and responses from
panelists and audience members I would be more
inclined to attend.

So often forums such as these can be a bit stale and
rigid when in fact what is really needed is a chance
to actually discuss the issues and cross-examine one
another a bit in our search for enlightenment.

Greg Meyer
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