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proceedings for the week of January 10, 2000

Week of January 10, 2000

Commissioners Loreca J. Stauber, Samuel G. Duncan and Paul J. Kimmell met in
regular session.  The following actions were taken:

Motion and Order for Board of County Commissioners to open as Board of
Equalization, January 10, 2000 for one day only.

Motion and Order to approve the transfer of the 1985 Ford 150/4 wheel drive
Pick-up truck from Disaster Services to Parks and Recreation; the old Parks
and Recreation tractors be used as trade-ins for a replacement tractor; the
proceeds from the insurance reimbursement and salvage for the Parks and
Recreation’s Dodge Dakota to be used to paint the ’85 Ford Pick-up and use
the remaining funds for purchase of a 30-35 horsepower tractor for the Parks

Approved, signed, filed Commissioners’ proceedings for the week of January
3, 2000.

Motion and Order to Ratify the approval for renewal of the Retail Alcohol
Beverage License for Lone Jack Steak Company, Inc.  dba Lone Jack Steak
Company, 5531 Hwy 95, Potlatch, which action was taken on January 5, 2000.

Approved the Chair’s signature on the Rebuild Moscow Community Partnership
Agreement.  Agreement is made between the City of Moscow and Latah County
and Idaho Department of Water Resources, to invest in their communities
through improved energy efficiency in commercial and multi-family buildings
and public housing, effective January 10, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed Solid Waste Fee Adjustment MH18CT00004A. For 2000.
Home is vacant and for sale; Hardship exemptions August through December 99.

Filed notice of Reassignment of Judith Nest from Office Chair/Extension
Educator to Extension Educator, Cooperative Extension, Department 10, Line
01.  Effective January 10, 2000.

Filed notice of Reassignment of David Barton from Extension Educator to
Office Chair/Extension Educator, Cooperative Extension, Department 10, Line
01. Effective January 10, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed request 2-year increment increase for Brian J.
Dulin, Probation Officer, Youth Services Department 08A, Line 04.  Effective
January 1, 2000.

Filed Conflict Public Defender hours for December, 1999 - D. Ray Barker.

Filed Public Defender hours for December, 1999 - Brian D. Thie.

Filed Public Defender hours for December 1999 - Gregory C. Dickison.

Filed receipt of end of year unanticipated funds from Idaho Bureau of
Disaster Services and FEMA by Gary O’Keefe.

Approved, signed, filed Tuition Aid Request by Wesley Oleson to North Idaho

Motion and Order to address the City of Moscow Annexation resident changes
from county to city, SolidWaste Budget 23-00, budget line 23-00-0678-0001
Collect Disposal Bulky Waste $694,800, shall be reduced in the amount of
$3,000 to $691,800; and increase budget line 23-00-0545-0000 Refunds
Reimbursement $2,000 in the amount $3,000 to $5,000.  No change will be made
in the Solid Waste Department total.

Motion and Order to disburse Solid Waste refunds to those County residents
who had paid for 2000 solid waste service and then were annexed into the
City of Moscow.

Approved, signed, filed County Extension Audit - Cash Drawer.

Filed Determination of Liability-Cost Reimbursement of Latah County to
Christie D. Stordahl.

Approved, signed filed Monthly Bills.

Having held a Public Hearing to Adjust the Budget to increase the
Justice-Sheriff fund line 08-45-719-00 in the amount of  $140; increase the
Sheriff-Justice Vehicle Purchase Fund line 08-45-801-00 in the amount of
$2,657; to increase the Justice-Juvenile Probation Fund line 08-31-801-00 in
the amount of $10,000;  and to increase the District Court Fund and
establish Contracts - Court Assistance line 06-00-660-00 in the amount of
$10,000.  These funds are unscheduled revenues or carry forward funds and
the expenditure will be at no additional cost to the taxpayer.  The Board
directs the County Auditor to make necessary adjustments.

Convened in Executive Session at 2:10 P.M. on January 10, 2000, to discuss
Personnel matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(a)&(b).
Adjourned at 2:30 P.M.

Meeting as Board of Equalization, Motion and Order to uphold Assessor’s
valuation on Parcel number OCD1280020007BA by Lester and Eleanor Proctor
through Steve Mahaffy.  Minutes and tape on file in Clerk’s Office.

Motion and Order to Close as Board of Equalization.

Convened in Executive Session at 10:36 A.M.  on January 12, 2000, to discuss
Indigent matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(d).  Adjourned
at 11:15 A.M.  11 cases approve, 2 cases denied.

Motion and Order to formulate a “Computer Use Policy” addressing the public
use of County computers; Approve the establishment of a “Public Use”
computer for the Rural Development Office, and another site (to be
determined) for the placement of the “Public Use” computer.

Motion and Order to transfer duties for telecommunications from Planning and
Building Department to Information Services Department.  Effective January
12, 2000 with a 90 day transition period.

Motion and Order to establish an E911 Committee for the purposes of the
creation and coordination of an E911 system for Latah County.  Said
committee to be comprised of a representative of the Sheriff’s Office, Board
of County Commissioners, Information Services, Auditor’s Office, Geographic
Mapping Consultants, Inc., and the appropriate telecommunication systems
companies.  Effective January 12, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed Tuition Aid Request by Gwendolyn A. Sebastian to
College of Southern Idaho.

Motion and Order to change the designation of  “At Will” positions in
Appendix B for the Sheriff’s Office to classified positions (Support
Services Administrator and Field Lieutenant).

Addition to Proceedings: Approved, signed, and filed request from Marsha Tyg
Reid, Rural Development Office Coordinator to subscribe to county
newspapers, “Talk of the Town” and “Latah Eagle” from January 3, 2000.

Convened in Executive Session at 3:42 P.M. on January 12, 2000, to discuss
Indigent Appeal 0009, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(d).
Adjourned at 3:56 P.M.

Convened in Executive Session at 4:00 P.M. on January 12, 2000, to discuss
Indigent Appeal 0009, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(d).
Adjourned at 4:05 P.M.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:						, Chair

ATTEST:							, Deputy/Clerk

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