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Re: Philips Farm Activity Proposal

At 06:29 PM 1/18/00 -0800, Andrew Grant wrote:

>Educational Programs
>4-H Club activities
>Animals for children
>Gardening Programs
>Crop Programs
>Farming Displays
>Logging and Mining Displays

I am very disappointed that there is no mention of restoring a small
portion of the land to original Palouse prairie vegetation.  The original
Palouse ecosystem is also part of our heritage.  Children and adults can
gain both education and enjoyment from the restoration and maintenance of a
few acres of such land.  And since the prairie grasses presumably evolved
under grazing pressures, such land could also be used for grazing livestock
(in moderation).

Robert Hoffmann
Alt-Escape Adventures
229 E. C St., Suite B
Moscow, ID  83843
Phone: 208 883-0642
Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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