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Shahab's slippery slope

  Boy ...there certainly seems to be some pain out there.
Our egos are just like stocks that we invest in..sometime's there is a run 
on the bank ...the bigger the investment...the greater the loss is felt.
loud cries can be heard...emotion wells up.
A business can be like a child you care for..and when things come up that 
you have no experience with and no family feed back until it's too's not much help.
Someone just recently suggested that if you don't know what to ask you are 
not going to find true.
Chain stores and franchises have pros to look in all directions for 
them...they represent them...they totally understand buyers and small 
business weakness''s a science.They come from out of town and kick 
our tu tu's off and it does not help at all if the city government promotes 
it...or sits back...because of lack of public sentiment...public service is 
just that..service to the public.
representation is a must for success.
I would suggest some kind of benevolent body in the Chamber of 
Commerce  or Rotary club..  or do some foot work (not just 
phone calls or snail mailings) and reach out,talk to the business 
community..on thier turf... from the smallest on up... pass and compile 
information so that at least if individuals intend to ignore alternatives 
their suffering's might not lie at our feet in presentation such as we have 
just witnessed.

This takes very special truly go get em (Ra Team...all for one and one for 
all!) service oriented people..I for one am so doggone shy it's easier to 
suggest than commit...this box of lights helps to over come that...but there 
it is.
What say you all?

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