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Re: Snow, Ice and "Discretionary" Enforcement(LONG!)

At 07:23 PM 1/13/00 -0800, you wrote:
>This is not the first time I've heard the term "officer discretion" used in
>referring the actions of the MPD.  It may be one of the most disturbing, and
>frustrating, terms I've come to hate.


Discretion is defined as "the power to decide or act according to one's own
judgement". We hire the very best officers we can find through a competitive
selection process. We then give them excellent training. We try to select
officers with common sense and good judgement so they can be effective
public servants. 

Officer discretion is a wonderful thing. Imagine what a horible world we
would have without it. Anyone, even slightly, rolling past a stop sign would
receive a citation. Those going even one mile over the speed limit would be
cited, even if they were on the way to the hospital. Any amount of snow on a
sidewalk would be immediately cause for a citation even if the person were
out of town or ill. Without discretion, prosecutors would have to follow
through on all charges. Without discretion judges would have to fine all
guilty persons the same amount.  Without discretion persons become
non-thinking machines without a conscious. Without discretion on the part of
police officers this would not be a nice place to live.

Discretion allows the police to view situations from the perspective of
common sense and good judgement and make decisions based on the good of the
community and the individuals within that community. In Moscow, when
Officers notice various infractions they give at least ten warnings for each
citation given. That is officer discretion. It allows us to correct problems
in the least punitive way possible. 

As we speak, some communities are dealing with gang infested neighborhoods,
crack houses, drive-by shootings, huge homicide rates, and areas that it is
not safe to walk in. By contrast, we are discussing snow on a sidewalk. It
certainly is great to live in Moscow.

Dan Weaver
Chief of Police

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