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Alturas Park

The commentary about Alturas Technology Park by Hodge, Pernula, Weber and 
Haynes (Daily News, January 13) did not answer all my questions about the 
park and its future.

I question their assurances that everything is now, and has always been, and 
forever will be, just fine at Alturas Park.

First, a couple of lawyers have built an office for themselves at Alturas, 
on land that was sold and developed (with roads, utilites and a very nice 
park) with taxpayer support.  These lawyers are using tax money (mine and 
yours) to leave downtown Moscow and build at Alturas.
Second, Alturas is supposed to be magnet for high-tech businesses.  The 
lawyers used a loophole in the rules (that allows "support" businesses to 
locate there) to take advantage of the park's location and tax-supported 
benefits.  These attorneys, as I understand it, do not provide support 
services for high-tech businesses at all.  They do not work in  patent or 
copyright law, for example.

Third, from my conversations with city officials, I understand that the 
payment of the Urban Renewal Agency bonds is so far behind (since Alturas is 
growing much slower than anticipated) the the City of Moscow has been forced 
to take over the bonds.

Where is the city oversight in this situation?  Who is minding the store?  
What is the future of Alturas Park?

I have heard that, following the lead of the lawyers, other non-high-tech 
businesses are now trying to get a piece of this tax-supported land.  Is it 
true the next tenant will be a dentist?
Is the EDC so desperate that they will bring in any business?

I understand that several businesses have left the Incubator recently.  They 
should have moved directly to Alturas, but instead are now located in Troy 
and downtown Moscow.  Why?  Is Alturas too expensive?

We need a real public dialog on the future of Alturas Park.  There are  just 
too many questions still unanswered, and too much public money at stake.  I 
wish the city government and the local media would focus on this issue.
--Bill London
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