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Alturas Technology Park

Today's Lewiston Morning Tribune (Sat 1/8/00, page 5A) includes a story 
about the Alturas Park.
The EDC has appointed a committee of 4 (Larry Hodge, Dale Pernula, Larry 
Branen, and Jim Haynes) to "revisit the history and the policies regarding 
the future" of the park.
A report is expected in 2-4 weeks.
The committee selection was "spurred by criticism of the park's vision  and 
decision to admit a law firm."
First, my thanks to the Tribune for staying on top of this story.
Second, I wonder if this committee's deliberations will be open to the 
public?  Will they accept public input?  Will they allow others to join in 
their deliberations?  Is the EDC--and this committee--a public agency bound 
by open meeting laws, etc?
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