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Re: Dena's post on Alturas

>difficult for people who work,
No doubt so very real for most folks, Dave. At the same time I've seen 
neighbors talk things over, sometimes even sign a petition "over the 
fence", and have someone represent them at an agency meeting. We did that 
in another state to see to it that the developers didn't steal all the 
flood control money that was supposed to protect homes already built (a 
case in Pullman last year was the same kind of deal). If people do not 
say "something" the politicians will ALWAYS find a way to cut the deals 
the way special interests tell them too. It's not different at the state 
and federal levels, only a matter of degree. What lacks most, from my 
experience, is information available to people about what is going on in 
their govt. and with their money. Agreed, democracy is a very tough job.  
"Leaders" ready to do the job for us are a dime a dozen. I'm willing to 
be proved wrong. Ken

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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