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Dena's post on Alturas

It can be very difficult for people who work, care for
>children, maybe have more than one job, to do more than
>take care of what has to be done.  When it no longer
>takes two adults to pay the bills, when work weeks of
>50, 60 or more hours are no longer commonplace, I think
>people will spend more time involved in community concerns.
>I'm not sure why in such a wealthy country people have so
>little time, but it seems to be the case.
Dena hit a nail on the head with this one.
We need to develop Altruism more then Alturas.
I lost a lot of time from my kids.Me working two and even three jobs and my 
wife one be somewhat comfortable during the Reagan and Bush years.
All the while of coarse politics got ignored too.
But no more,It's not worth it and I don't want people to have to live that 
Grandad bought his house ,always had a car that was never more than a couple 
of years old and a lake front spot at Coeur d'Alene. He did  social work for 
the City on his own time. All while on the wages of a single wage earner as 
a printer.

I raise Dena's post way up high folks.

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