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Meeting Agendas


Monday, December 20,  1999	                     3:30 p.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1.	Approval of Minutes of December 6, 1999

2.	Proposed Ordinance to Amend Moscow City Code Title 3, Chapter 4 
expanding the Moscow Arts Commission to Twelve Members - Mary Blyth
Request to expand membership up to twelve members to accommodate for an 
increase in the Arts Commission's activities, and in particular development 
of the 1912 Arts Center.
					Council Agenda Item #3
ACTION:  Recommend rejecting Ordinance, or approving Ordinance on first 
reading or under suspension of the rules requiring three separate and 
complete readings and that it be read by title only.

3.	Renewal of Juvenile Accountability Grant - Dan Weaver
As indicated on Dan Weaver's December 14, 1999 memo, it is staff's 
recommendation to utilize the same program as was approved last year 
regarding the pass through Juvenile Accountability Grants fund the City 
contributed to Latah Youth Services.  This grant targets juveniles at the 
post-adjudication phase.  Again, if the Police Department were to design 
and implement a program for youth at this phase, we would be duplicating 
services already provided by Latah County Youth Services.  Staff also 
recommends the 1999 Juvenile Accountability block grant funds ($13,301) be 
waived to Latah County Youth Services.
					Council Agenda Item #1F
ACTION:  Recommend rejecting or accepting waiver of grant request; or take 
such other action as deemed appropriate.

4.	All Star Football Parade - Dan Weaver
The Northern Idaho Shriners are planning a football classic for August 5, 
2000 and are requesting to use the regular downtown parade route for their 
All-Star Football Game Parade. This event will have a financial impact on 
the Police and Street Departments.

ACTION:  Review and recommend rejection or approval of parade request.

Ordinance for Annexation of the North Polk Sewer District  - Dale Pernula
Y2K Preparedness - Gary J. Riedner


Monday, December 20, 1999	                 	4:30 p.m.

206 East Third Street, Second Floor

1.	Approval of Minutes of December 6, 1999

2.	Accounts Payable for November, 1999 - Jim Wallace

3.	Transportation Enhancement Program for FY 2003 - Gary Presol
The Idaho Transportation Department is requesting project applications for 
projects that can be ready for construction in fiscal year 2003.  Funds are 
available for twelve "transportation enhancement activities" specifically 
identified in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21).

ACTION:  Recommend authorizing staff to prepare applications to be 
considered for funding under the Idaho Transportation Enhancement Program.

4.	North Almon Studio Apartments - Development Agreement - Dean Weyen
The attached Development Agreement is for the public improvements required 
for 3R Investments, LLC to develop their property on North Almon. Curb, 
sidewalk, storm sewer, pavement widening and a catch basin are being 
													Council Agenda Item #1E
ACTION:  Recommend approving Development Agreement and authorize Mayor's 
signature thereon; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

5.	Preliminary Subdivision Plat - Pheasant Ridge Addition - Dale Pernula
The proposal is to subdivide a 20-acre parcel of land located on the west 
side of Orchard Avenue into 19 single-family residential lots.  The 
northern portion of the property is zoned SR (requiring one acre minimum 
lots) and the southern portion is zoned R-2 (7,000 square feet minimum 
lots).   A public hearing was held on this proposal by the Moscow Planning 
and Zoning Commission December 8, 1999 (minutes enclosed).
													Council Agenda Item #5
ACTION:  Recommend rejecting proposal; or approving preliminary subdivision 
plat with or without conditions.

Ordinance for Annexation of the North Polk Sewer District  - Dale Pernula
Transportation Commission  re Rayburn Street - Dale Pernula
Y2K Preparedness - Gary J. Riedner


December 20, 1999		                                7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the 
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered 
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

A.	Approval of Minutes of December 6, 1999 City Council Meeting

	B.	Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of November, 1999 - Jim 
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of 
November 1999 and recommends approval of the following:
General	646,766.52	
Parks & Recreation	540,018.64	
Arts	5,503.94	
Street	74,769.43	
Airport	0	
911	13,680.75	
Water & Sewer	302,754.22	
Sanitation	51,707.83	
Parking	3,147.40	
Bond & Interest	0	
LID Bond & Interest	6,150.00	
TOTALS	1,644,498.73	
C.	Approval of Renewal of Alcohol and Restaurant Licenses for Year 2000 - 
Chris Bainbridge
The liquor license renewal process for calendar year 2000 is nearly 
complete, although some applicants are still working toward full compliance 
with all City Requirements.  Approval of all renewals is required before 
licenses can be issued.

ACTION:  Approve the attached list of Alcohol and Restaurant License 
Applications for Year 2000.

D.	Approval of Renewal of Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbroker Licenses for 
Year 2000 - Chris Bainbridge
The businesses on the attached list have submitted their application and 
fee for renewal of their secondhand dealer/pawnbroker license for the year 
2000.  These have also been submitted to and approved by the Moscow Police 
Department for license renewal.

ACTION:  Approve the attached list of Secondhand Dealer and Pawnbroker 
License applications for year 2000.

E.	North Almon Studio Apartments - Development Agreement - Dean Weyen
The attached Development Agreement is for the public improvements required 
for 3R Investments, LLC to develop their property on North Almon. Curb, 
sidewalk, storm sewer, pavement widening and a catch basin are being 
required.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance December 20, 1999.

		ACTION:  Approve Development Agreement and authorize Mayor's signature 

F.	Renewal of Juvenile Accountability Grant - Dan Weaver
As indicated on Dan Weaver's December 14, 1999 memo, it is staff's 
recommendation to utilize the same program as was approved last year 
regarding the pass through Juvenile Accountability Grants fund the City 
contributed to Latah Youth Services.  This grant targets juveniles at the 
post-adjudication phase.  Again, if the Police Department were to design 
and implement a program for youth at this phase, we would be duplicating 
services already provided by Latah County Youth Services.  Staff also 
recommends the 1999 Juvenile Accountability block grant funds ($13,301) be 
waived to Latah County Youth Services. Reviewed by Administrative Committee 
December 20, 1999.

ACTION:  Accept waiver of grant request and authorize Mayor's signature on 

2.	7:30 p.m. - Public Hearing- Proposed Ordinance Changing Schools, 
Churches, Libraries, Galleries, and Museums from Permitted to Conditional 
Uses in Residential Zoning Districts - Dale Pernula
This proposal was initiated after the City received complains about a 
charter school being located in a single-family residential neighborhood 
without being subject to a public process.  A public hearing was held by 
the Planning and Zoning Commission November 10, 1999 (minutes enclosed).

	ACTION:  After conducting public hearing, reject proposal, or approve 
enclosed Ordinance on first reading or under suspension of the rules 
requiring three separate and complete readings and that it be read by title 

3.	Proposed Ordinance to Amend Moscow City Code Tittle 3, Chapter 4, to 
Expand the Moscow Arts Commission to Twelve Members - Mary Blyth
This is a request to expand membership up to twelve members to accommodate 
for an increase in the Arts Commission's activities, and in particular 
development of the 1912 Arts Center. Reviewed by Administrative Committee 
December 20, 1999.

ACTION:  Reject Ordinance, or approve Ordinance on first reading or under 
suspension of the rules requiring three separate and complete readings and 
that it be read by title only.

4.	Ordinance for Annexation of the North Polk Extension Water and Sewer 
District  - Dale Pernula
The City is exercising its rights under an agreement signed April 15, 1984 
to annex the District and to receive District assets.  Reviewed by 
Administrative Committee and by Public Works Committee October 18, 1999.

ACTION:  Reject Ordinance, or approve Ordinance on first reading or under 
suspension of the rules requiring three separate and complete readings and 
that it be read by title only.

5.	Preliminary Subdivision Plat - Pheasant Ridge Addition - Dale Pernula
The proposal is to subdivide a 20-acre parcel of land located on the west 
side of Orchard Avenue into 19 single-family residential lots.  The 
northern portion of the property is zoned SR (requiring one acre minimum 
lots) and the southern portion is zoned R-2 (7,000 square feet minimum 
lots).   A public hearing was held on this proposal by the Moscow Planning 
and Zoning Commission December 8, 1999 (minutes enclosed).  Reviewed by 
Public Works/Finance December 20, 1999.

	ACTION:  Reject proposal; or approve preliminary subdivision plat with or 
without conditions.

6.	Set Meeting Date for Second Meeting in January - Gary J. Riedner
The third Monday in January, which is the normal meeting date for the 
Council's January special meeting, falls on Martin Luther King/Idaho Human 
Rights Day, a Federal, State and City holiday.  City Code Section 2-2-1 
states that in the event a Council meeting falls on a holiday, the Council 
will convene on the following day which is not a holiday, which would be 
Tuesday, January 18, 2000.

ACTION:  Set meeting date for January Special Meeting.

	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

Chris Bainbridge
City Clerk
City of Moscow
Voice (208) 883-7015
Fax    (208) 883-7018

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