Alturas Technology Park
- To:
- Subject: Alturas Technology Park
- From: Keith Howe <>
- Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 22:18:05 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 22:18:44 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"rIG9r.A.1SE.qWdW4">
- Resent-Sender:
One information gap concerning the park that I'd like to bring up is
that there are in fact two additional technological businesses operating
out there that have come straight out of the UI incubator. Siemens and
Blevin's both lease space from the Anatek and PacSim buildings
respectively, and represent additional business that may not have had the
chance to stay local to Moscow without the encouraging atmosphere of the
park. Additionally, Anatek Labs, Inc., was bursting at the seams in their
previous building, and needed the move. Without the technology park, they
may have had to head out of town to accomodate the expansion of their
business. I don't agree with the lawyer's office being allowed in the
park; but a percentage of the land was allocated for 'non-technological'
use in the original planning. Allowing the office to be built does not
neccissarily conflict with the original vision. Whether allocating this
space in the initial planning was wise or not is, of course, up for
attack. Finally, I believe (though cannot verify) that there is at least
one business (and possibly more) which have purchased land in the park and
have not yet begun to develop there. I don't know what the financial
status of the park is, but I do know that it has provided the needed room
for development of at least two UI incubator businesses and a third local
business, all of which may have needed to leave Moscow otherwise. And from
what I've seen, it's growth has not stunted yet.
- Keith Howe
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