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Don't be speachless

Mr Powell,
You raise a bothersome subject.
Who ever is among us that has not ever been ignorant... let them cast the 
first suit.
Discretion is not an involuntary reflex..It takes time to develop.
Charlie B. would have agreed with Mr Tonn's right to speak his mind.
Charlie was a "let it all hang out" kind of guy.
The people of this country are suffering from a lack of individual 
representation and this medium provides some of that.
It isn't like this is a list dedicated to a single proposition pointed at 
any one direction. Its spirit is for our community and indead the world to 
openly grow toward a hopefully better future.
  A seemingly paranoid attitude of shhh don't say anything wrong just leaves 
people not even knowing what can ever be the right thing to say.
How can we hope to raise the levels of our own consciousness or our 
neighbors with out sharing our views.
You speak of ignorance as If it has a if it should know 
better. Can we make ignorance illegal?
Its like with Rush Limbaugh who has brought out into the public ear the 
thoughts of people with very strong opinions.(hold on to your seats folks)As 
much as I can't hardly stand what he promotes, I would in fact like to thank 
him publicly for his program because I never in my life considered that 
there were so many confused people that needed help.

May we all stumble through this dark tunnel to the true light of awarness.
The light down the tunnel that Mr.Powell is looking toward could be a a Bugg 

David SArff

>Subject: Re: Charlie Brown
>Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 10:42:55 EST
>Once again I am amazed at the ignorance of posting these most recent
>allegations about an individual's character on this listserver.  I'm not an
>attorney, but I know enough to realize one cannot make statements of this
>nature in a public forum without a strong, factual basis.  To do so exposes
>one to tremendous liability for what is written and the fact that it is
>broadcast.  My guess is this exposure probably extends to entity that
>facilitates its broadcast, too.
>While I enjoy the V2020 service, I think it needs a bit more 
>on matters like this or it may disappear in a cloud of litigation.
>Charlie Powell

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