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Re: Y2K effects locally

Excellent point about which communities will recieve priority if the lights
go out.  I've heard the opinion that because of the dams' relatively simple
procedure for switching to manual control, we will have electricity within
hours of a Y2K failure.  Of course I've also been told that because we are
on a grid linked to most of the West coast, we are pretty much out of luck.
Electrical systems and computers are definately not my forte', so I have no
idea who to believe.  Hope those decorative oil lamps work well.
-----Original Message-----
From: JS M <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: Y2K effects locally

>Stocking water and candles is all.  I know who in the neighborhood has a
>wood stove and will rely on the generousity of neighbors if it comes to
>that.  However, I think you have the level of impact backwards: the power
>companies will service the major cities first and let smaller communities
>wait before restoring service.  Electrical service around here is just a
>steps above third-world quality, but not as bad as where I came from in
>>From: "Travis Tonn" <>
>>To: <>
>>Subject: Y2K effects locally
>>Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 22:49:18 -0800
>>     Since this list is comprised of reasonably intelligent folks that
>>to keep informed of significant issues, I thought it would be interesting
>>to get some viewpoints on Y2K.
>>     What do you think the effects will be locally as well as nationally
>>and globally?  Are you preparing?  If yes, at what level?  I know some
>>people are concerned about revealing their level of preparation, so please
>>don't if you are uncomfortable.
>>     My personal opinion is, using a scale of 1 to 10, that Moscow will be
>>about a 2.  Metropolitan areas will be about a 6, America as a whole will
>>be about a 4, and globally, it will vary from an 8 in Russia to a 4 in
>>     I am more concerned about acts of domestic terrorism or "Millenium
>>Viruses" than actual pure Y2K failures.  My preparations are comparable to
>>what your average county resident in the '50's kept around.  Some extra
>>food, water, batteries, oil lamps and a kerosene heater.  No stockpile of
>>weapons or explosives or "special" Kool-aid just in case the mother ship
>>returns behind a comet.
>>     So, how about some of you other folks.  Is Y2K just a clever ploy by
>>capitalists to increase consumer spending on supplies, or is it a
>>legitimate concern which warrants preparation?  Or is it even the ushering
>>in of the Armageddon(there is no way I spelled that correctly)?
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