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Re: Councilman Johnson's Departure

I agree the runner-up should be considered.  Does Mayor Comstock have anyone 
else in mind?  Does the mayor have to justify his decision at a public 
hearing, etc.?  Can the City Council over-ride the decision?  What's the 
complete procedure for appointment?  Perhaps Chris Bainbridge could 
enlighten us.

>From: Ken Medlin <>
>To: "Moscow Vision 2020" <>
>Subject: Councilman Johnson's Departure
>Date: Tue, 23 Nov 99 22:20:53 -0800
>Visionaires' Counsel:   Journalist Vera White's column last Friday
>pointed to a very significant issue in our city government, viz.,
>replacing Councilman Johnson by mayoral appointment. The last time this
>issue arose, Mayor Comstock appointed a prominent businessman, Mr. Busch,
>to a vacany. Vera White comments that it would be political  wisdom, in
>terms of the outcome of the recent Nov. 2 elections, if the mayor were to
>be gu;ided by a substantial number of votes (approx. 1200) who voted for
>candidates sharing common ground in regard to city development and fiscal
>management, as compared to both sitting candidates and two new electees,
>both of whom are prominent 'establishment' type persons. Perhaps the
>question is, "Who can best represent ALL the citizens?"  The runner up,
>Mr. Ament, came in a faiily close fourth. Mr. Holmese tallied over 400
>votes. Why should not the mayor heed that  messaage from the voters and
>choose Aaron Ament?  Why did Johnson wait till after the election?
>     I intend to support Vera White's position and indicate this to Mayor
>Comstock. Perhaps others would like to express their opinion on the
>matter and let the mayor know.  This action is not one of partisanship or
>endorsement, but rather an appeal for more representativeness on City
>Council, based on voter sentiment.  Ken M.
>William K. Medlin
>Dev-plan associates
>930 Kenneth Street
>Moscow ID 83843

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